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weighting ep flies?

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I have been looking a many different recipes for these flies and none of them say anything about weighting the hook. I dont see why you couldn't. Would it be better to fish with a sinker instead?

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I weight EP style flies pretty regularly. I just wrap the shank in wire and then cover it with either thread or a thin bit of dubbing. It works great for getting the flies down under the water quickly


Here is a good video of a guy doing what I do, only I prefer to cover the wire (link)

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The reason for using split shot, up the leader a bit, is to let the fly swim up above the bottom. So, it depends on what action you want. If you want your fly to hug the bottom, then weight the fly. If you want to work your fly just above the bottom, weight the tippet.

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I tie a 1cm strip of of .030 lead wire behind the bead chain eye. This makes the fly fall horizontally with the point facing up. I tie all my CXI flies this way also. Saves having to tie different weights. They're all weighted this way.......Scotty.

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try a cone head under the fibers.

it will flare them adding bulk & movement.

a muskie guide I know uses a small foam popper head with great success but it doesn't add the weight your looking for.

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