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Fishing With A Guide

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You don't tip in France, either. It's considered demeaning.

Yes, I would think just being French is demeaning enough. ohmy.png

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i guide for a shop. they charge $250 a trip I get $100 out of that so if I do a good enough job to get a tip it is much appreciated, but never expected. When I had my own guide service i was still only getting about $100 insurance, tackle cost, gas meal for guest it takes a good amount out of the fee. Oh and you don't get to go fishing every day you get to watch someone else fish. any guide worth the name will never fish while out with a client if you fishing your just taking a buddy fishing and not paying the needed attention to the client or to what is going on around you. I in think any guide worth their stuff does not expect a tip but does truely apprciate it.



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I've never hired a guide, but I have seen some hard-working guides with other fisherman. I strongly suspect I would give a tip - not a fixed percentage but something based on how impressed I was with the service. I get annoyed any time someone expects a certain percentage as tip...


..such as wait staff at restaurants. Yes, In know they get paid below minimum, but I worked many years in restaurants (cook, etc) and I can tell you that most of them are doing OK, some quite OK. No, what annoys me is the tip percentage creep [not 'creep' the person, but 'creep' the slow and steady increase]. It used be be that 10% was considered a god tip. Back then, everything cost less so 10% was not seen as a huge 'surcharge'. But now, the 'recommended' restaurant tip is 15% to 20% or even more. WHY??? Same service, and the food now costs 10X what it used to. And what about the "Optional automatic X%" gratuity for parties larger than X people? I understand how the tip shortage works with a random group, but when I take my family of 7 out, I'm paying the entire bill, yet they still gladly apply that automatic tip and MOST OF THE TIME do not bother to tell me hoping that I will tip again on top to that total. Grr.


OK, back to guides: Tip them based on how delighted you were with their service. Don't think about perentage, just give the what you WANT to give them. And to me, the resposne to my tip is every much part of the whole experience: that could certainly disuade me from being a repeat customer.


On the othe hand, I did not realize how much other expenses and time the guide spends on my behalf, so this has been a good discussion.

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