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Embedding videos from Youtube into posts

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Hi Folks,


There may be an issue with the site but for some reason I cannot embed videos from Youtube or other sources into the site.


I have tried sharing links and using bbcode to embed them but they still just show up as text links if that.


Do I have to have a certain amt of posts to do this?




Mike :)

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I used the youtube switches(in brackets) and it worked Mike.


Not My video, I just happened to still have that one open in another window when I read this post so I used it.. Credit to Flyfishfood for the video.

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Can you write out the code you used to do this?


You can put it in quotes and add spaces or characters as necessary....I would really appreciate it.


I posted a "song" up the other day in the Lounge area and it worked just fine...however today It is just the link...not sure how that happened.




Mike :)

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Sure, I used [ Youtube ] web address goes here [ / youtube ] . Take all the spaces out, like you said I had to add spaces to keep it from trying to embed that. Good Luck!




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