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Fly Tying

Closer Minnows

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Recently began tying flies and was wondering if there are specific color combinations that will attract certain species of fish. I will be fishing for trout and bass, any tips on buck tail colors?

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You can't go wrong with Chartreuse and white, olive and white for either trout or bass. Other combinations, gray and white, pink and white, light blue and white. Here's and olive and white one I tied up recently. I'll fish in both fresh and salt water.



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Chartreuse and white are killer for bass in my local rivers. Also anything brown, orange, olive or crayfish colored seem to do well.

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I was able to talk to mr clouser for about an hour one afternoon. I wrote down about a dozen suggestions for fresh and saltwater. I will locate my chart and type it out here tomorrow. It was very informative

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Generally, no matter what color combo you use, the lightest color is your "bottom" color. All the above mentions combos, white on bottom, the other color on top. It's just the natural coloration of aquatic life.


If you're targeting Large Mouth Bass, then look to the most prominent bait fish in your waters. If it's shad, blue over white, black over white, all white or all silver can all be killers.

If the predominate bait are young pan fish, then green over white with some orange flash in the white.


In other words, you can mimic any bait fish and not go wrong.

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tie some weird colors too--- I've done ridiculously well at times on pink and chartreuse (either one on top and bottom), also purple and black. Chartreuse over yellow can be very good, and for whatever reason I've caught lots on orange over very light orange. I don't leave home without a few all black ones.


Tie them true-to-style (Philly's is a very good example).... Just because it has dumbell eyes on a hook does not make it a Clouser Deep Minnow.

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Agreed that there are not many combinations you can go wrong on. I also like to fish all black, which I've done well on over the years.



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Agree completely on the pink and chartreuse (electric chicken). I too don't think it matters much on which is on top or bottom. Ditto for the purple and black, both combos are great for the salt and I imagine everywhere else too. Also, try chartreuse over yellow with a bit of orange on the bottom, fire tiger colors. I think the color combos are endless. When in doubt, pick out a favorite plug and copy the color scheme, works for me

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Really great advise given! Also keep in mind that a Clouser Deep Minnow is a style of fly. There are other flies too that are styles, and not specific patterns. That means different materials can be used to tie them. The CDM is traditionally tied with bucktail, but other hairs can be good as they all have different actions. If you tie the CDM in very small sizes, like smaller than size 8, hair such as Fox fur works well. I also like to to tie them with ostrich herl, particularly all black, which makes a good leech imitation.


Again, there are many possibilities!




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I really like using craft fur for clousers. It is not true to the fly but is cheap and can be found in any color. Most craft stores have it and I have even seen it in barred variations recently.

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I got some of the barred (silver/black) craft fur @ Hobby Lobby yesterday. Pretty cheap when you use the always available 40
% off coupon. Going to try some clousers with it and white, see how it works.

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