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Need some Carp help.

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Size 10 to 6 I've caught them on. Mostly fish size 6. Not sure what they feed on but we have damsels and dragon nymphs, grass shrimp and crawfish in the canals I fish; plenty of minnows but I figure with all those other things are what they are grubbing for. Occasionally, they even eat floating vegetation . I figure big dragon and small crawfish the #6 works for.



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My go to is my 9.5' 7wt intermediate line or my 9' 10wt with an intermediate line. I also use a floating line with both of those but I normally use the intermediate for the versatility. I don't have a brand preference. I like what feels good in my hand. My 7wt is an older cabelas brand rod and the 10wt is an old slow action fennwick. I've become very fond of big daddy rods lately though. I like to really match my rod to my quarry. I fish in nasty stuff and for big fish. I want to move that fish in a hurry.


As for my leader and such I use a lot of furled leaders. They're cheap to build, easy to use, and turn flies over extremely well. My favorite tippet is 17 lb suffix siege. My waters are extremely stained and dark so heavy line is not an issue for me. There is a link to my you tube channel in my signature, on my channel there is a video on how I make my furled leaders. I attach tippet with a perfection loop.


Flies are attached with a rappala loop knot so they are given the most action possible.


I think that pretty much covers it. Lol


I'm not into flashy fancy things. In my experience they work... but for the money and effort I can do just as well as with my more economical and simple things.



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