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Fly Tying

Emerger Swap

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Hey Guys, My apology for being late, but we received a really sweet set of flies, yesterday, from ScottK. He calls it a "Floss & Foam Sulfur" and it is a really nice pattern! Thanks, Scott! And thanks for the extras.


Take care



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You are more than welcome, glad you like them! I can't take credit for the pattern though, I found it during a web search for emergers after I joined the swap...

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Looking back over my list of flies that we have received, I can't find where I acknowledged Jburge's flies. But they are here and they are really nice. I thought I had posted when they arrived. Maybe I did, on the wrong thread! (I am capable of doing that sort of thing from time to time.) I don't know, but they're here and my apology to Jburge and everyone else. There are 3 sets still out and our due date is May 31. So if you haven't gotten yours into the mail yet, it's time to get busy. I will be sending a PM to those three with my addy so you will have it when you get ready to mail them out. But let me know when they hit the mail, please. Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day and that you were able to take a few minutes to remember with gratitude those who have died defending our freedom.


Take care



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Sorry, Jburge. They've been here for a while. Good think I went back today to check on how many sets are out and to update everything. I knew that I had gotten behind on the original thread posting which flies we had received. And in the process, I found that, while yours were already here, I hadn't posted it. So relax & take it easy. You're good.



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A couple of days ago, I sent PM's to those that haven't gotten their flies in yet. Tonight I checked, and none of those PM's have been read. I hope that they have the forum set to subscribe to PM's or to replies to posts that they have replied to. I'm hoping they will check their emails soon and discover that they have unopened mail. Guys, when you get this, please let me know the status of your flies. The due date is this coming Saturday.


Take care



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Hey Guys, I'm sure that some of you are ready for a status report on this swap. There are still 3 sets out. I have heard from 2 of the 3. One set is in the mail, another swapper has had a family emergency but his flies will be in the mail tomorrow. I still have not heard from the 3rd swapper, and he will be getting a 2nd PM from me shortly. As I stated in the opening Post for this swap, he gets 2 PM's past the due date and if I don't heard from him very quickly thereafter, he will be out and you will all receive that fly back from your set. I'll let you know the results in a few days.


Take care



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Hey Guys, I've been out of town part of the week for the birth of our 6th Grandchild. Emma Grace Parker Runion was born on 6/9/14 at 3/10 PM! We have received a very nice set of emergers from Tyler94. They were here when I got home, and you are going to enjoy fishing this one, for sure. There are still 2 sets out. On was supposed to be mailed but it hasn't arrived yet. I am still not able to get in touch with the final swapper. I have sent to required 2 PM's past the due date. If I haven't heard from him by this weekend, I'll sort everything out the first of next week and get them in the mail to you.


Take care



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Guys, I'm in a quandary about what to do. Notenuftoys has failed to respond to, or even read, any of the PM's I've sent to him going as far back as May 27. I have sent him the required 2 PM's past closing date without a reply. I hope nothing bad has happened to him, but I'm ready to move on as far as his flies are concerned.


However, I did receive a reply from ID LP 66 on June 5 stating that he had a family emergency and also that he was contending with a lost phone which was his only internet access while he was away for the emergency. He said that he would put his flies in the mail the next morning, which would have been June 6, but so far I haven't received them. I have tried to contact him since, but I don't think he has seen the PM that I sent him. I really would like to wrap this one up, but I hesitate to do so because of ID LP 66's family emergency. We can wait a while longer to see if I get a reply from him or we can go ahead and close out the swap. What do you guys think we should do?


If we close out the swap, I will be sending each of you your 2 flies back that would have gone to these 2 missing swappers.



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I say end it. If his flies show up later you can donate them to Casting for Recovery or Project Healing Waters. Seems like we are going through another spell of no notice drop-outs. It is happening on some other swaps that I joined.

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I'm good with whatever you all decide. Don't worry about sending any extras of mine back, they are yours to do whatever with... smile.png

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