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Grayling fishing today

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On my honeymoon this weekend I was able to sneak away and go to a stocked grayling pond for a bit while up in the mountains, managed to get one nice sized fish on a mosquito fly size 14. They are spawning right now and are more interested in "doing it" than eating but I managed to trick one of them into taking a dry today.





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This was my first Grayling Steve , they are stunning fish, I tried last summer for some while fishing in northern Canada but they eluded me, was nice to finally hook up.

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Dude surely on the honeymoon you're meant to be more interested in 'doing it'! Last chance you get now the rings on LOL.


seriously though great fish. So they stock with grayling? Is it expected you take them for eating?

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congrats on both fronts....


catching grayling was one of my highlights of the limited outdoors time I had when I lived in Alaska. I have good photos of an 18" male in spawning colors, of which I hope someday to get a repro mount made.

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I should have rephrased that, I was ALLOWED to go fishing because I whine to much when we go shopping. They stock a couple ponds in the mountains here in alberta , they are catch and release only which makes it even more difficult because they are pretty wise, 7x Tippett and lots of luck. They are beautiful fish in their spawning colors that's for sure

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My wife and I honeymooned at a dude ranch in Wyoming. I did get to fish a couple of times and she came along. We both fished in Yellowstone with a local guide and she caught a couple of trout in Lewis Lake. The compromise was that I had to go horseback riding with her which really was not a hard thing to have to do. Lucky for me she is not much of a shopper so a couple of afternoons in Jackson were more than sufficient. She would rather go animal watching in Grand Teton or Yellowstone. Yes I am lucky.



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If anyone is ever in the NE WY area and wants to catch Grayling let me know. Know a few places where you'll get tired of catching them, two at a time.

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Before I pass away (hopefully in a long time) I REALLY want to catch a grayling here in Colorado. Add me as another member to the "bucket list" for grayling!


Happy you managed to land the beauty and thanks for the pics! (envious!!!)


Mike :)

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Before I pass away (hopefully in a long time) I REALLY want to catch a grayling here in Colorado. Add me as another member to the "bucket list" for grayling!


Happy you managed to land the beauty and thanks for the pics! (envious!!!)


Mike :)

I've heard there is a good grayling fishery in Colorado, I think it's called Jo Wright lake, i seem to remember a friend of mine telling me about it.

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