joseph russell 0 Report post Posted August 6, 2014 Done with me flies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimboha! 0 Report post Posted August 7, 2014 Dog Food flies are away! Now, for those of you who wondered abou thsi fly, the story. My father lives in Florida on a 5-acre lot in the boonies. He shares a 1 acre pond wth his neighbor. They have inroduced catfish, bluegill, breem, pumpkin seed, and speckled perch into the pond and he feeds them with, are you ready for this, dried dog food. Probably some no-name brand, but something like kibbles and bits [angular, square with holes, shapes]. You ought to see them boil to the top when he throws handlfuls of dog food out on the water - a dog-food hatch, as it were. While visiting him a year and a half ago, the family all wanted to see me tie a fly and fish with it, so I tied up a couple "dog food flies" with my limited travel fly tying kit. I outfished every other person (all using bait) on that pond and landed several large speck's. I am certain that no self-respecting trout would ever go for it... So in my family, the dog food fly has a certain notoriety but no-one else has ever heard of the fly. You won't find the pattern anywhere on the web. I am sure that purists would just go bonkers to see one of these on the end of a 9ft leader... The fly is supposed to imitate a broken piece of dog good. After they get battererd a bit, they do start to resemble brown wooly buggers. If your fish are too picky, cut off the angled part, tease out some dubbing threads, and fish like a bugger. I'll be trying them on some starved high mountain trout next week. Jimboha! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted August 9, 2014 Jimboha, this guy just looks plain sneaky. The kind of guy you'd follow around in your store if he came in. His system reminds me of your fly tho... If you are a true purist of trout fishing, it is better you don't look at this short video. It may take a couple of years off you fishing life. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted August 11, 2014 Got flies from Jimboha! on Saturday. Well tied and interesting, but I wouldn't say it looks very pretty. It makes me lose my appetite a little.. haha. I'm looking forward to the challenge of catching a trout on this fly one day. Probably going to fish the pattern at night when the trout can't see how special this fly is. Or maybe use it on the Los Angeles River for carp. Those carp will eat anything, especially something that looks so unappetizing. The only other flies I've received so far are from Vicrider. Hopefully the rest will show up soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joseph russell 0 Report post Posted August 12, 2014 I will get mine out tomorrow Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted August 12, 2014 got some excellent flies from grey brook yesterday. two hooks on a streamer is better than one! I have a fishing friend that loves using treble hooks on his lures. I get so angry when he outfishes me, so I have a secret loathing of flies/lures/bait with more than one hook or a treble hook. I'm not sure if my loathing is justified since I've read all kinds of different arguments on the topic and see the benefits of both ways. But I'm sure a lot of other people get even more upset when they see more than one hook on a fly like these sex dungeons that grey brook submitted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grey brook 0 Report post Posted August 12, 2014 im glad you got them. i didnt even think about the two hook thing.i just thought the name gave it a bad rep. plus i had a lot of b10's kicking around Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted August 13, 2014 Awhile back we did an articulated swap and most of those were two hookers. I did a fly called the Hog Snare which is basically three puffy streamers in a row. A hook followed by an articulating shank followed by another hook. Supposedly this is a big trout fly but I've pan fried trout smaller than the fly I tied. It will be interesting to see your version since one of the flies in the swap was a Sex Dungeon. It may well be a killer for the stripers in a local reservoir this fall. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted August 13, 2014 Just to give you guys a heads up about a potential delay in sending the flies out. Foambug's flies appear to be lost in the mail. He sent them a while ago. I'll be going to the post office today and see if they are being held there for some reason. If I don't get them on Friday he said he'll tie up a new batch over the weekend. I think I should be receiving Joseph Russels flies today or tomorrow since he lives not too far from me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joseph russell 0 Report post Posted August 13, 2014 Should be there tomorrow there in the mail Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted August 18, 2014 Got Joseph Russell's flies the other day. Great ties! Foambug is going tie a new set of flies. The first set appears to be lost in the mail. After I get the last set I will mail them out right away. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2014 Hey you guys, I haven't heard from Foambug after a couple attempts to contact him. He might be out of town or something. Unfortunately Foambug's files appear to be lost in the mail. This is only my second hosted swap. Not exactly sure what to do or how long to wait. Any advice would be appreciated. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2014 It's always a tough call. You have someone who tied a dozen flies and sent them off in good faith and you hate to eliminate them because the PO screwed up. Most of us are not looking for the flies for a trip that would be cancelled if the flies weren't here so I'd give him a little more time to check in. In the case of someone who just never checked in or responded I've just sorted all the flies, then either send one of each person's own back or else mixed them up and instead of getting your own you get one extra of someone else's. Either way would work but I like the latter. In the case of someone who has sent the flies they're lost I'd send them their set of everyone else's and just do postage myself. If they're willing to tie another set that's fine. For me, if it was crackleback's or small dries I could do that but if it's articulated Hog Snare or Sex Dungeon no way would I want to do another set. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tim980 0 Report post Posted September 2, 2014 I finally heard back from Foambug yesterday. He is very sorry for not getting the flies done. I had been out of town and tried to give him extra time to respond. It was such a small swap so I was hoping his second set of flies would show up in the mail. The selection of flies is still pretty awesome even though it is small. I mixed up the extras that were for foambug and sending them back to you guys. I'll be mailing the flies out today. Thanks again for everybody who participated. Tim Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted September 7, 2014 Tim980, it's obvious that the problem with you friend hooking fish on you booby fly is like I said. Too much cleavage. WAIT...can never have too much cleavage. Got a nice set of flies the other day and just now perusing them for placement in proper boxes. I see bass box, panfish box, trout box, and dog food box. That articulated woolhead is particularly nice for throwing around the ponds here for the big mouths. It can give my Para17 8wt. bamboo a good test. For blob flies of various types (I think the dog food falls in that category), I hope to get to some stocked trout water and they should be the thing on there. Yep, everything in there should be getting wet soon and thanx Tim980 for hosting another great swap amongst the best fly swappers on any board. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites