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Fly Tying
joseph russell

Southern Appalachian Trout Variety Swap

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I had a rough day at work and missed a meeting with a major client due to a traffic jam but came home to find a nice set of Appalachian flys that should work well; well done everyone and thanks for hosting Joseph Russell

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Mine came in the mail today. I appreciate everyone letting me swap but I can see from the flys I recieved. I have a looooonnngg way to go, to be half as good as the rest of the tiers here. Thanks for a awesome set flies.

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A great looking set of flies showed up today. Thanks to everyone and a big thanks to Joseph Russell for hosting.

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Mine came today as well. What an AWESOME set of flies! Thanks to Joseph Russell for hosting, and thanks to the swappers for ALL THE EXTRAS! Fantastic! Thank you so much.



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Got my flies today. Very nice job everyone!


Thanks for having me in the swap I really like seeing every one's work.



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Nice set of flies arrived today, they will get well used this fall and next summer.


Great effort by all thanx guys and special thanks to JR for hosting.

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Flies came in yesterday's mail. Thanks all - high quality. I used to be funny about using only my own ties, but this swap business, this particular bunch of folks, well - can't wait to wet some of these!

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Got down to PO finally and picked up my flies. Great job as usual. Also had another one in for the EPI swap so that's getting close.


CannonX, It's a swap, not a contest. I am going to make it point to have your fly on first when heat lets up and can get to the bluegill pond. They're going to love it I'm sure. Don't have trout around here but if I make the White River like I plan a lot of swap flies are going to be getting wet. I plan to be there in Oct. and one thing I'll try is some of the big streamers from some of the swaps to see if I can entice one of the true trophy browns. I have a bamboo Para17 8.5' rod that needs to be tested.

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CannonX, ditto vicrider's comment. All my flies, yours in there somewhere, are more than fishable and I can't wait to give them a try. I'll go through miles of leader in no time from changing out my swap flies ...


You'll take your craft as far as you desire; but as far as the fish go, you're already on their terrorist watch list as one of those fisher dudes that keeps fooling them.

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