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CA glues: Are the all created equal.

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I have a question for you. I have read or heard some where that CA glues like Krazy Glue and Loc-tite will deteriorate in water with time.. That Zap-a-gap does not. What is the truth to this. Is this just a claim by Zap-a-gap so you buy their product? I want to know the science to this. Mainly for gluing between bundles of hair when doing deer hair stacking and spinning. I think the ZAP-A-GAP claim was made while watching a video of Dave Whitlock tying a deer hair popper. May be the tv series "The Anglers Art". I said I think it was. Not sure. Like I said, I want the science on this and not Joe Blow's opinion please.


P.S. I mean't to type Are "they" all created equal, not Are "the"

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Cannot address the science, but I use Loc-tite extensively on my chironomid patterns, and if it does deteriorate, it does it long after the practical lifetime of any fly I have ever tied. It is noteworthy that one of the waters I regularly nymph, has very high akalinity, and yet the glue holds up just fine (brush-on in this case). It is often claimed that Zap-a-gap is waterproof, but the only difference I've seen in my own tests between it and Loc-tite is the price, and the fact that once you open a bottle of Zap-a-gap, you better use it quick or it will be a solid mass the next time you need it. Not sure why anyone claims it is waterproof, because if you look at the product description on their web site, it says exactly the opposite.

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Well all be danged. I read that product description and there you have it. In black and white. "Not for use with continuous immersion in water". Huh! I know exactly what you mean by the comment of Use it quickly or it will be a solid the next time you need it. Spent a lot of money on solid waste. I replied the exact same thing on a post only an hour or two ago. I can't wait to see other replies. I appreciate the product description you posted. I like facts! It's a self promoted FACT by Zap-a-gap themselves. Can't argue with that! Thanks for the leg work on that one whatfly. That's EXACTLY what I want to see.


Boy does that change things for me! And my wallet!

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The only thing I've used that I KNOW is effected by water, is clear nail polish. I tried to do some very small minnows I started by laying down a thread base the color I wanted the minnow to be. Then, over the next couple of days, I built up layers of clear nail polish. They looked pretty good, until I used them. After a short time in the water, the polish started getting cloudy. Within an hour or so, they were almost white.


I've not noticed any problems with "Super Glue" ... for a buck a three pack at Dollar Tree, I've been using it for a while.

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lol, ok SILKDH scratch what I just said on my deer hair bug thread about getting some Zap-a-Gap...guess I'll try Loc-Tite. Nice that it's not only cheaper but available at hardware and big box stores...I have those a lot closer to home than the nearest fly shop. Thanks for the tip MIke. And +1 on the thanks for looking up the facts on Zap-a-Gap whatfly. :)

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Yea, once again, nice job to whatfly. He put the last nail in that coffin for sure.

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Mike, from now on I'll be In line at dollar tree too. Good ole three pack. Little yellow and black tubes. CA-BAMMM!!!!

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Thank you for clarification. Then I don't need to buy another zap. Only have one bottle, so it's not a money breaker.

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Thank you for clarification. Then I don't need to buy another zap. Only have one bottle, so it's not a money breaker.

I bet if you go check it, if its been a while, its hard as a rock. I've never seen what an empty bottle of zap looks like. They always dry out before I get to use it all.

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I hardly ever use it, but when I do, I have serious trouble getting it opened. Bottle is too small to get a proper hold on and the brush lid too.

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My complaint about Zap a Gap is also the laughably short shelf life. I finally got fed up and started using one of the Loctite products and it seems to do what it is supposed to do (stick stuff together) while lasting for a few months on the bench and not dissolving when the fly hits the water. And as noted I can get it when I am in a big box store looking for other stuff.




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I quit using Zap years a go mainly because of the issues of not able to get the damn bottle open and once you did, the shit was almost hard or the whole bottle became a block of CA Glue. Suggestions of keeping it refrigerated was not an option for me, because it still seized up in a short period of time within a few applications.


LOCTITE is the shadizzle! I use both the gel and brushable. once opened it has long bench life and never have any trouble with getting them open.

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LOCTITE is the shadizzle! I use both the gel and brushable. once opened it has long bench life and never have any trouble with getting them open

This is based on very limited experience mind you, but so far I'd have to agree. I picked up a bottle of LocTite last night at the local big box/hardware store...wasn't sure which version to get as there were so many...ended up with this one:




Tied a deer hair slider, adding a dab of this to the thread wraps after packing each bunch of hair, then coated the bottom of the bug with it too. The hair is definitely secured to the hook; the body won't rotate at all. We'll see if it maintains its hold once it gets wet.

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I got Krazy glue at a hardware store in a brush top bottle. Haven't used any yet, but when I use it from tubes, they invariably dry hard before my next use. I used to buy it in tiny little tubes so you didn't waste so much. I'm hoping the brush bottle will work better.

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I must be the oddball here. I use Zap-A-Gap and Za CA and never had any issues. Once I open them I put the tip extension on it and it will last months. I use it everyday in my production tying and never had it fail. If the tip clogs I just poke the hook point through the tip and I am good to go. Locktight is also great. I do like their brush able bottle, but I is almost impossible to get all of it out.


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