banks 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2014 I use a mustad 2/0 stainless steel on these , My hook ups have been pretty good so far Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
add147 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2014 Those look GREAT indeed!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SILKHDH 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2014 Then I retract my earlier comment. LOL. I would say you got four winner flies then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ty Flyer 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2014 Quick question. How did you cut the bodies so well? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bassbanditchad 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2014 I. Use. A. Very large sizzers. Y Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philly 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 Very nice. Definitely the best I've seen posted. Guess I'll have to give them another try. I've just never found flip flops with the colors I like to use. Maybe the $1 stores or the craft stores are having a summer clearance sale. Something to do this weekend besides fish. Tube fly poppers- I've tied up a few using the soft foam popper bodies, mainly pencil poppers or large salt water and bass poppers and I like the edge the sliding body gives me when fighting a fish. I must admit I use treble hooks with them. I also tie them on long articulated shanks with treble hooks. The flip flop foam would be good for a variation on "Bob's Banger", which if you're not familiar with it, is a foam cylinder with a hole drilled or burned through the center of it to slide the line through with a teaser fly of buck tail, feathers or long flash attached to the line. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
banks 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 I. Use. A. Very large sizzers. Y one more tip if you see the tops of the poppers they have that nice little curve to them thats the round part on the outside edge of the flip flop if you make one straight cut for your height from top to bottom all you have to do is cut the angle on the front and cut rear square use the preformed nice rounded edge on the flip flop Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
banks 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 Very nice. Definitely the best I've seen posted. Guess I'll have to give them another try. I've just never found flip flops with the colors I like to use. Maybe the $1 stores or the craft stores are having a summer clearance sale. Something to do this weekend besides fish. Tube fly poppers- I've tied up a few using the soft foam popper bodies, mainly pencil poppers or large salt water and bass poppers and I like the edge the sliding body gives me when fighting a fish. I must admit I use treble hooks with them. I also tie them on long articulated shanks with treble hooks. The flip flop foam would be good for a variation on "Bob's Banger", which if you're not familiar with it, is a foam cylinder with a hole drilled or burned through the center of it to slide the line through with a teaser fly of buck tail, feathers or long flash attached to the line. Are family dollar has them 99 cents pair I buy the biggest size i can get in yellow , black , grey , green , the grey is very lite I can make that one almost any color with permanent marker coat of clear nail polish , alot of you nail polishes now have the glitter right in them very easy to make them have alittle flash to Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scgobbler 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 Those look really good. Â How about a tutorial? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heavynets 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 I use a Gary Krebs jig to shape my poppers. Also, use the softest, spongy flip flops you can find. Some of the stiffer ones are so dense that they barely float. Â Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
banks 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 I use a Gary Krebs jig to shape my poppers. Also, use the softest, spongy flip flops you can find. Some of the stiffer ones are so dense that they barely float. Â I DONT UNDERSTAND , IS THIS A ADVERTISEMENT TO SELL YOUR JIG SET , i just use a large sissors , mine are not shaped like these and it takes me about 8 seconds to cut out a popper , and i can make it any tone or color i want , But these look nice to , I dont knotch them for the hook either , I just push bodkin through it and push hook through no knotch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
banks 0 Report post Posted August 27, 2014 Those look really good. Â How about a tutorial? Hi , how do I do a tutorial Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ed Gallop 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2014 The video did nothing for me and a waste of time. Guess it would if I were in need of the jig. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
banks 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2014 The video did nothing for me and a waste of time. Guess it would if I were in need of the jig. I cant afford popper heads , A jig is out of question for me right now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlaFly 0 Report post Posted August 28, 2014 If not a jig, well, I got a piece of copper pipe and filed one end into a sharp, circular edge. Then I use a tack-hammer and punch out pieces of rubber, foam, etc. I haven't used it on flip-flops, but I've read that others do. I don't use flip-flops because all the ones I've ever looked at were way too dense. But anyway, try a copper pipe punch. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites