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Fly Tying

The ultimate tying desk!

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I took me over 2 years to find my desk. I had almost given up when I found it. It is alot more organized than my old set up with plastic storage bins und the table. Now everything is in arms reach. If I don't have time to clean up when I get done tying, I can just pull the top down and nobody knows. Plus it locks so I can keep others from messing with my stuff.

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Surely if you are looking for the ultimate it just has to be this one.

Doubt they will let me have it for a tying cabinet though.




(I give up on trying to post the video in a frame. Why there isn't a simple button like there is for an image I don't know.)

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Never find the thing im after in all those drawers.

I would need labels on those drawers. What am I saying? I can't find anything as it is.

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As you have recognized Bruce. All those little drawers are not the ideal. Those plastic drawers and containers are more realistic and useful.

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Like FlaFly said, It needs those brass lable sleaves. I would ruin it the first time I set my drink down on it. Cool lookin though!

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beautiful desk......I assume that either you are a beginning tyer or you are quite limited on what you tie. Not near enough storage

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beautiful desk......I assume that either you are a beginning tyer or you are quite limited on what you tie. Not near enough storage

Why would call him a beginning tier? I have been tying for years. There is some material that will not fit in a desk like that, but if you organize early on, you can fit a lot.

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For those that like that type of desk, you're going to like Wooten desks.





Holy. Crap. I had no idea such things existed.


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