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Fly Tying

European nymphs

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Hi guys,


This nymph bellow is one of my most productive nymph used in the first part of the season and when the waters are high and muddy:


Hooks : curved caddis fly hooks : Demmon DGH #14

Thread : Orange Hot Spot Thread or any hot orange thread you can find

Body : Pheasant tail feather – barbs – natural color

Tail :red-brown cock bars – you can use Coq de Leon Indio Rubion or from Indian capes

Ribbing: troutline UV Ribbing fibers

Torax : A mix of colors from troutline hot spot dubbing

Bead: tungsten bead 3mm size








A few fish:








And one of my favorite river - Mera - Lombardia - Italy







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Very pretty. The fly, the fish and the river. I never thought of Italy as a fishing destination, but that river is beautiful.

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Italy as a fly fishing destination was a real eye opener for me. I had never considered it until I was invited to tie at a show in Umbria. Amazing rivers, I had my largest ever brown trout from the River Nera. One day I will return. If you get the chance to go there grab it.


Also, I hardly need say with the display above, the Italians know a thing or two about fly fishing.




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Thanks guys for your kind words.


Crackaig, yes, I'm living here from 2 years and you'll find a lot of fantastic rivers from small and very fast flowing to large and difficult to fish even with 2 hand rods. The Alps mountains are fabulous and the variety of the rivers is incredible, probably you will not find a similar part in Europe like here.



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Nice flies and very nice fish.


I tie a similar style pheasant tail with no hot spot and a peacock ice dub or herl collar (depending on mood). I use a piece of pearl krystal flash for the ribbing and it has the same kind of effect. It has been a pretty effective fly at times. I'd post a picture but the only one I have left is pretty raggedy from being fished. Maybe ill tie up a couple today when I sit down at the bench and post a picture.


Thanks for sharing its great to see flies, fish and fishing pictures from another part of the world.




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Hi guys and thank you for your kind words,


Will - I will be very happy to see your flies :)

Steve - not only browns, you will find brook, rainbow , marmorata trout and grayling. Marmorata arrive at 20-30kilos and can be found in Italy and Slovenia .




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