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Id be there to fish, not to go to jail. Don't break their laws and there wont be any trouble.

Hmmm. They don't allow access to the uncensored internet. If you try to use a smart phone while you're there, you could be arrested and thrown in jail.

"Alan Gross is a 65-year-old American citizen who has been imprisoned in Cuba since 2009. He was arrested for his work on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development to increase Internet access and connectivity in small communities across Cuba."

The administration didn't make Cuba lighten any of it's communist laws. Read up on the "prisoners" that were just released. 15 years just on the suspicion of "spying".


Since fish caught anywhere in the Caribbean are the same as everywhere else ... why even take the chance. There are dozens of actual friendly islands where you could go ...


Sorry, I just don't get it.

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Cuba has been a favourite travel destination for Canadians for years. London has direct flights weekly with a fair number of the seats filled by Americans; and they have been filling those seats for over a decade. once in country, the only thing that matters is the money that is in your pocket.


as far as the Alan Gross story goes........whether you bring in illegal drugs or illegal communication equipment and are caught; be prepared to pay the price. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Gross (link provided for clarification) USAID is a CIA front 'IMHO'


traveling to Cuba requires no more thought then any other international holiday. "be in the know before you go."


far safer than Mexico imho.

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There was an explanation in the news this morning... the "defrosting" doesn't include opening travel to ordinary US citizens. According to the report, only certain categories of people have ever, and will still be, able to travel to Cuba (people with official roles). What has been happening is that some US citizens fly to Cuba from other countries like Mexico, and apparently the UK, and ask the Cuban customs officials not to stamp their passports, which they have been willing to do. Also it will be some time before any businesses in Cuba will honor credit cards.

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far safer than Mexico imho.


That's an understatement. I've lost count of the number of countries I've travelled to to hunt and fish, but Mexico is the only country I've ever have a gun pulled on me by a cop demanding money after asking for directions or seen severed heads of cartel members propped up on buckets alongside the highway.


"Come to Mexico for the food and warm weather..stay because you got decapitated!"

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There have been numerous threads on some bass fishing sites I frequent about the dangers of straying too close to the Mexican side of some of the border lakes. From the postings, apparently there's been some folks approached while out fishing & robbed. There was one report of these pirates venturing into waters on the U.S. side & robbing some folks & possibly even murder. They say it's not all drug related, but those who are doing this may be involved in some of the drug trafficking.








I'm not interested in going to Mexico or Cuba!

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I'm a Canadian and although I've never personally been there I know a number of guys that have gone. We have regular flights from Toronto to Cuba and as well there are a number of fly fishing travel companies that put packages together. Just Google "fly fishing Cuba" for more info.

Reports over the years have generally been pretty good (Bones, Tarpon, Permit) although some are now saying it's been overfished and is suffering. WFN has had shows on for quite some time now that have featured it.



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I don't smoke cigars so if I want to fish where Spanish is the main lingo I'll just charter Capt. Bob Lemay in Miami

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Thanks for the kind words. My own post on this topic got deleted after I got carried away and commented on our current government (sometimes it's just hard to keep silent). I was a young cop down here in paradise when the last Cuban "deal" came about in the late seventies. The results of that left a lifetime's impression on me....

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Thanks for the kind words. My own post on this topic got deleted after I got carried away and commented on our current government (sometimes it's just hard to keep silent). I was a young cop down here in paradise when the last Cuban "deal" came about in the late seventies. The results of that left a lifetime's impression on me....

Scarface captured that "deal" really nicely. Next thing you know Dadeland Mall is a war zone. Of course if it wasn't for that, the world would have never had the joy of knowing Don Johnson and Miami Vice

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I was in Guantanamo several times in the late 90's. it was loaded with fish... tarpon rolling in the pier lights at night were astounding. I saw quite a few pics of huge red snappers and all kinds of other fish caught there.


Read Lefty Kreh's autobiography, he was there and talks about finding bass in the lakes which had been caught and eaten by local work crews, which he estimated to be 30 pounds. I don't really give two craps about LMBs, but apparently there are, or at least were, giants there.


At this point in my life, I have no real desire to go anywhere outside the USA again. I'd go to England to fish for pike I think, or Scotland for salmon, if somebody else was paying for it.

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Thanks for the kind words. My own post on this topic got deleted after I got carried away and commented on our current government (sometimes it's just hard to keep silent). I was a young cop down here in paradise when the last Cuban "deal" came about in the late seventies. The results of that left a lifetime's impression on me....

Scarface captured that "deal" really nicely. Next thing you know Dadeland Mall is a war zone. Of course if it wasn't for that, the world would have never had the joy of knowing Don Johnson and Miami Vice


"... knowing Don Johnson and Miami Vice." Just goes to show, there are always down sides to everything.

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as crazy as the 90's were in Dade County with the refugees; the cocaine wouldn't have happened without the help of George Jung "Boston George".

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