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2015 Musky Swap

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Yep Im working on getting them separated and photographs. I want to post pics of all of them. They will be put in the mail tomorrow.



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Everyone's flies are in the mail. I will post pictures on a separate post tomorrow. Thanks for another great swap. Now on too some bass flies.



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Got my flies today. I'm really impressed. Anyone want to share the recipes? Thanks again Kevin for hosting this great swap.

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Got mine as well today and everything went straight into the musky box. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to test them out. Kevin I was going to ask what you used for the synthetic vale but you already posted it on the other topic in the main board.


Recipe for the Optimus Swine Variant:


Hook: Partridge Universal Predator 4/0

Thread: Veevus 100 GSP Black

Tail: Black Supreme Hair, Krystal Flash, Purple Musky Pack Hackle

Float: Reverse tied Mini Me's Popper Head Medium, Sharpied Black

Body: Deceiver Tied Bucktail, Black on top, Purple on Bottom

Head: Purple Arizona Semi Seal, or Laser Dub

Eyes: 7 or 10mm 3D Eyes, forget what I used


Original Version Can Be Found Here:

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Got my flies today. I'm really impressed. Anyone want to share the recipes? Thanks again Kevin for hosting this great swap.

1. Tie in eyes(chain. Barbell, whatever)

2. Tie in tails of schlappen.

3. Tie in flash (Krystal or whatever) and matching grizzled hackle that will match your marabou.

4. I use about 4 clumps of blood quill marabou to form a head and body.


Takes 2-3 minutes to tie.



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Got mine. What a crazy set. I can't wait to fish them. I might bring a couple with me to Arkansas to throw on the White. There's some browns down there that would gladly take a musky size fly.

My fly was tied on two Owner 4/0 worm hooks. The tail is flashabou, saddle feathers, and bucktail. The body is reverse tied bucktail with shimmer fringe over it. I connected the hooks with 80lb steelon. The head is stacked deer hair with 12mm eyes. I put some CCG over the eyes.



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Flies arrived Sat...great set of flies


Hook: Gamakatsu SC15 3/0

Thread: Monofilament thread-very fine

Flash: Flashabou-pearl

Back, Sides and Belly: EP Ultimate Fibers

Sparkle: EP Sparkle-silver


Remember to take a comb with you fish-after you catch a fish you might need to comb the fibers. Also as Enrico explains in his video regarding EP fibers they will float a little even when you use a bare amount. What I like to do is just drop the fly in the water where I'm standing to get it wet a little. This not only makes it sink after you cast but it also gives you an idea what it looks like in the water.

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Thanks to everyone for their great contribution to this swap. A special thanks to Kevin, our SM, for his work. Keep us the good work and keep posting pictures. I am posting a picture of a 46" one caught in November last year. The day alternated rain with sleet and snow, so the picture has a smudge. It was one of those days when you eat lunch in the rain and the rain dissolves your sandwich while you are holding it, but it had a good ending. Once you land one of those on a fly rod, you are no longer cold. Have a great fishing season,





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