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Lovejoy Comet

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Has anybody tried to view the Lovejoy Comet? I spent 35 minutes last night looking for it with binoculars and a telescope. Spent 10 minutes looking at it after I found it. Unfortunately, it's one of those dim ones. It's just a fuzzy ball in the sky. Good pictures of the tail are all 20 minute+ exposures that I don't have capability for.


Good luck if you try to find it.

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Mike, nice to know that I was not crazy. I stood out in the cold the other night trying to find it without any aid and couldn't see anything. Where did you locate it?



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The best way I can describe it, it was about "two fingers" north of the "Seven Sisters" or the Pliaedes.

There are some charts online that show present position. I couldn't see it with the naked eye ... but with a pair of binoculars, it's fairly easy. It's relatively large. It looks like a star seen through fog.

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I've been looking at it thru binoculars also for the past couple weeks when we would have clear nights, not to many of those nowadays though...Did get to see the tail though earlier in the month/and end of dec..

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