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Fly Tying

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If you have orange deer hair, you could make a large orange ant, use a black sharpit to bar it, and you'd have a cow-killer, or velvet ant imitation.

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The devil bug uses pretty much only deer hair. Ive also tied a fly that is kind of like a comparadun. It uses only deer hair and tying thread. The tail is made of deer hair ( half the length of the hook) then measure some deer hair from the tip of the tail to the hook eye. Tie that in with the tips facing backwards, then fold the hair over sot its facing forward to make the body (humpy style). you then tye down the deer hair at the front of the hook and build a wedge with tying thread so it sticks strait up. stick your thumb into the wings so that they are spread 180 degrees around the top of the fly.


Hopefully that isnt to wordy and youll be able to figure it out! best of luck my friend!

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Check out some mouse patterns. They are fun and easy to tie, typically using deer hair and one or two other materials which can easily be substituted....and they are a hoot to catch fish on!! Also, PM me some flies you're tying, and an address I can send some materials to. I've got plenty of materials I can spare, and certainly wouldn't mind sharing with a young man getting a start in the sport!

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Artimus and Battenkill... what you both say is true, but as I have pointed out, every one of these questions could be answered by looking through past threads (using the search function), or by going to Google. But my solution, which I recommend if one tires of the barrage of seemingly unrelated questions, is to simply stop posting replies. Let others do it as long as their patience holds out.

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So what all in total do you have left besides the deer hair? That may help you decide what you should tie next

i have some peacock herls i think one huge flufly feather and a 2 hard and long feathers that are brown im guessing that are duck wing feathers.

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Ok, there are lots of good flies you can tie with marabou. It makes great tails for streamer flies, and you can even cut up the fibres a bit and try to use them as dubbing. I would say even if you just tie in a marabou tail, then use either a marabou dubbing body or chenille body it would probably be an effective fly. White is also a good colour to start with because it is easy to use a marker to change the colour.

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