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Fly Tying

April showers start bass bedding...Monthly Swap

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ditto to Tom, I look forward to receiving my hair bug!

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Mailed mine yesterday morning.




Wow....My fly doesn't even come close to that quality! I feel inadequate!!!! LOL LOL LOL. Your flies looks great.

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Your flies look great add147. All anyone can ever ask in a swap is that a person puts an honest effort into their flies and yours are well beyond that. We have the start of a good looking bass box coming in and those flies like Crackleback showed us make me anxious to get my hands on one of those. Your fly add is going to see use soon after the next series of storms moves through our area. Tired of receiving and tying flies without fishing them.

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24 flies going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay guys. I don't have all the fancy bass fly tools and materials so they are a little simpler, but have been effective for what little bass fishing I do.

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Well I am glad that you like the flies I sent. It was just something I thought up with some material I had laying around. I really like the red eyes! I found those in the sewing section at Wal-Mart on the clearance end cap.

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Okay, djtrout's streamers arrived today and they are definitely going to be geared toward shad waters. 'Course fish anywhere are going to eat this one.


Crackleback's flies arrived today and tho it's not right or fair for a swapmeister to single out anyone's flies since we all work hard to to do our best, all I can say on his are WOW!! If you think they look good in his pic wait until you get them in hand. These are far beyond anything one would hope for in a general swap and I for one don't see how a guy can even finish all these in the time given.

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Crackleback ... how the H#[[ did you get those flies to stick to the vice and shaft like that? It is a great display of consistent tying talent. Did you magnetize your entire set-up?

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Thanks everyone. I take a lot of pride in my hair work. I've tied hundreds over the years and can crank them out surprisingly quick these days. There's no magnets or black magic or anything going on in that picture, they're just hanging off the stem by the hook bends.



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MichaelRay has contributed some absolutely great looking streamers. Still wating on a few but some great ones in and ready.

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Mine went out in the mail today. Sneaky Shad. My first attempt at tying them. Maybe you guys can look at them, get the idea, and do a better job than I did.



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Kennebec's and Breambuster's flies are in. Kennebec has graced us with two nice flies this month and BB's flies look good like his always do. It is a bit like my tie of a skipping shad but mine has foam underneath with a hook bent down like a jig and when stripped is supposed to jump like a scared shad. Haven't tried them to see if they work. Looking at yours I probably should have put eyes on but I didn't have enough for all of them and didn't get order out in time. I assume yours are a sinker version where mine is layered foam underneath the estaz.

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