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Fly Tying

April showers start bass bedding...Monthly Swap

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Actually, Vic, mine are foam underneath also. There is a layer of foam with adhesive on 1 side and then 2 layers of foam with adhesive on both sides. And they are on an Eagle Claw #4 jig hook. http://www.warmwaterflytyer.com/corner.asp?page=5 and for a video, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erXE9m8XAXY


Take care



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BB, actually we tied the same fly, I just used a longer hook on mine and didn't have enough eyes to do them all. Since I'm still waiting on a few tiers maybe I'll check to see if Walmart has some doll eyes or something. I didn't color mine either but used a gold estaz.

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Vic, I'm looking forward to seeing your fly. I used the Eagle Claw 410 jig hook in size #4 that the recipe called for. If I were starting from scratch today, I think I would try using my scissors to trim the estaz where the eyes are glued on so that the eyes are glued more to the foam and the thread core of the estaz than to the pearl fibers of the estaz. I think they would feel more secure that way. I used the "E6000" adhesive to glue on the doll eyes. It's supposed to be machine washable so I thought it should be waterproof enough for fishing purposes. Other than that, I used all the materials exactly as they are listed in the recipe.


Take care



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OH, and by the way, I'm looking at the classic pattern for a Blue Dun dry fly with wings for the May swap. I'm going to see if I can tie it in a size #16. I've never tied a classic dry fly in that small a size, but I think I need to go that small, at least, for the "match the hatch" purists. If I can't get it done in a size #16, I will try a size #14. Perhaps others will chime in on the proper size for a Blue Dun dry?





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BB, I used a longer streamer hook on mine. Then I bent the eye down in front like a jig. Wasn't sure if it would hold up or break but bent fairly easily and tested it hard and didn't seem to weaken it any.


About your dry fly, if you go with a longer shank, like a 16 1xl or 2xl it makes things a lot easier. Just use the hook for you proportions (something I'm terrible about) and leave a good gap in front of the eye as you start tying. The true old classic flies would leavea gap behind eye for the type of knot many used back then. Can't think of name right now. If you end up leaving a gap you're doing great since most of the time our well intentioned distance to eye slowly gets taken over by dubbing or hackle.

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Okay, everybody's in and I'm going to try to get pics and get them out tomorrow for sure. Since many people, including myself didn't toe tag the pics will have to be the identification for them. It's a great looking set for anyone's bass box and many are surefire striper material, hybrids or white bass, big or small mouths, and most anything that eats minnows or frogs. Great job guys. Look forward to getting these everyone.

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Turle knot. I've never tied one, but I think there was a loop of leader that came back over the shank of the hook.



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breambuster the blue dun is actually usually one of the larger mayfly patterns people have, up to size 12 is pretty common so a 14 wouldn't be out of sorts.

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Thanks, Kennebec. I just looked it up and #16 is the smallest size recommended. I think I WILL go for a size #14.


Take care



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Got my flies today, great looking bunch! Not sure how much use they'll get but I'll be fully armed when I go to warmer water territory.

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My flies came in yesterday, and some mighty fine looking flies they are. These should make the LMB in this area want to chew on them.

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Received mine today. Right down my alley; smallmouth season is in swing and every one of these is prime choice.

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Wife finally checked the mail box and I got mine. Here I come you big ole large mouth bass!!!! Wonderful flies everyone just wonderful!!!!!! Thanks for a great swap

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I received mine and was really looking forward to fishing them, but my wife has this crazy idea about making a "shadow box" to hang on the wall, and filling it with fishing flies. She has picked out several from this swap to put in her shadow box and she has told me NOT to fish with them! Sometimes a guy can win for losing.



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