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Fly Tying

what did you forget....

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.....to bring with you on that special fishing trip?


I can honestly say that I have never forgotten anything


what did you forget?

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How about a fly rod?


Left it on a connecting flight in the overheard luggage bin.

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I am sure I've forgotten something at some point for one or more of the hundreds of "trips" I've taken ... but I've forgotten it.

I've never taken a "special trip". I go fishing often, usually in my boat, sometimes on foot and when traveling, to many different locations. But I've never actually gone on a trip specifically for fishing.

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did you get the rod back??

Long story short, yes. it was at the airline's office at the departure point. While I had a claim in the system, since it was never entered into the system no one knew where it was. I happened to ask the gate agent when we came home, and when I described it, she said "yeah, we have it down stairs".


It was brand new too. I was furious the entire trip.

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I forgot to pack my fly rod, once. Had everything else, reels, tippet, flies, waders, etc., etc. I guess I was in too much of a hurry to get gone....


I just stopped off at a nearby fly shop/guide service and rented a rod for the weekend. I paid them well for the rod, but it was still cheaper than buying.


Twice, that I can remember, I forgot to bring any tippet. It's usually in my vest, so I don't have to think about it, but, for some reason, I'd taken it out and not put it back. Both times, I made do with some mono-filament I found snagged in some nearby trees.

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I forgot my rod one time too. I was in a rush to get on the creek that morning and drove about 30 or so miles before I realized that I had everything except a rod. I turned around and went back home to get it and when I got there my wife had that "you're stupid" look. It wasn't new to me because I have seen the "look" many times before.

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I went a few hours out of town to fish and was all packed up and excited for the day, got a fresh leader out, put my rod together and then looked for my reel..............it was on the table at home exactly where I left it after cleaning the line :(

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No special trips but here's the list, at least once for each of them. Boots, waders, tippet, net, lucky hoodie, wool socks, gloves, flies and of course my brain though I'm not sure that counts as I rarely take that with me. I still have my rod and reel to forget so I have something to look forward to! Now I have a look in the back of my car just before I leave. Sometimes I forget the double check and that double check is a mile down the road though.

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Not on special trips, but i try to check everything a few times, would be stupid to go out float tubing & realize fins are still at home! But it seems to be my gloves now & then! Go coastal sea trout fishing, gloves are still in float tube pocket at home!

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After reading some of these ... I have to admit, I've forgotten my boat.


I haven't actually driven off without it. I try to have everything ready the night before, when I am going to spend a day on the water. If I have a lot of flies to tie, or other "indoors" stuff to do, I have gone to bed only to realize that I forgot to hook the boat to the van. While it's not a lot of time, it is time I'd rather not do before heading out in the morning.

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After reading some of these ... I have to admit, I've forgotten my boat.


I haven't actually driven off without it. I try to have everything ready the night before, when I am going to spend a day on the water. If I have a lot of flies to tie, or other "indoors" stuff to do, I have gone to bed only to realize that I forgot to hook the boat to the van. While it's not a lot of time, it is time I'd rather not do before heading out in the morning.

I didn't forget the boat, but I did the next best (worst) thing--recently bought a new trolling motor for my NuCanoe, and my daughter and I decided to take it to a local pond for a test drive. In my defense, packing for a boat trip requires me to remember umpteen different items because EVERYTHING has to come off/out of the boat so that it can be transported, inverted, atop my little peanut-sized car. I have a little litany that I chant to help me remember all the different things, but, as it was brand new, "motor" had not yet been added to the litany.

So we arrived for our first boat ride under power--with no motor. It was so ridiculous I couldn't even get mad at myself, I just started laughing. My daughter, who's witnessed more than one episode of me spluttering furiously at myself for other such acts of foolishness, says to me, "Dad, um, are you cracking up or something?" I assured her I wasn't, and then she started laughing, too. :)

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