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These three Baitfish will tempt those Toothy Critters.

Top: Blue Back Herring

Mid: Tenn. Shad

Last: Emerald Shiner ( for when they just want a snack.


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Nice. You might want to add a Fire Tiger or Perch pattern to the mix. They should also work for bass. What's the hook the first two are tied on? Sorta look like the Partridge barbless Pike hook that I use for some of my pike flies.

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Hi and thanks you guys . The flies are tied on Partridge Piike hooks. They have a wide gap and hook hold well in a big mouth. ( I've been trying to get my Mother-In-Law to take!!! ) L.O.L.

The bodies are mostly Pearl Krystal Flash. The yellow lateral lines are Yellow Fish Hair.

Use fine clear mono thread and coat the front part of the head with clear acrylic and pinch it while holding the fibers in place with you other hand . Once you get the shape to hold apply stick on eyes and three more coats of acrylic.

Here's a couple small Perch tied from Slinky Flash. I don't have a Fire Tiger but it would easy enough to tie . Thanks for your interest. T.


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When you say acrylic are you talking about the sealers like Plastikote? Does it stick to the materials without sticking to you when you say you're shaping the head with it?

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The Acrylic is simply clear acrylic nail enamal .

Once you have tied the fly . Leave it in the vice. Stroke the fibers with your hands until they look like my photos. The hold them in place with your left hand and carefully dab a small amount of the nail polish on your thumb and forefinger of your right hand and a little on both sides of the head but don't go too far into the body . You can see the line on my flies . Pinch the fibers to get them to stick together and hold them with your finger on your right hand for about a min. Kinda like using hair spray on hair. Let it dry pop on you eyes and then give it 3 coats . I hand spin them for a few min. So the polish dries evenly on the head. The other colors in the flies are all differant colors of Krystal Flash. That is how it's spelled. Hope this helps you out. Here's a Brown & a Rainbow fingerling. You can copy just about anything with fins .



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Hi Philly , I plopped my butt at my bench this morning and spun up a quick Fire Tiger. It's 7" long . Tied on a Paertridge Pike hook size 6/0. It's tied out of Rumph Slinky Flash. We'll , back to the bench. Need a couple of differant sizes.


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Best one yet right there!! Defiantly be tying some of those up, they look great. Is that the same materiel you used in the first ones? It looks different, but that might just be because of the colour.

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Hi my friend. Thank you Sooooooo much. I love to tie and that really makes it all worth it. The fly is tied out of Slinky Flash it's made by Rumph. In : ORG. , Yel. And Char. I blend them slightly where one color meets the next . It looks better then just tying one color right above the last with a crisp line between the colors. Sometimes you want an abrupt change like that like a lateral line expample but I just like the way the fly looks with a blending of colors.

The first tree Baitfish were tied from Krystal Flash and or Polar

Flash they are almost the same thing . Krystal is a little more wavey. Those types of Baitfish are really shiny so the flashy stuff if the ticket. I have some other cool stuff but that's for another day. Tight Lines

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Thanks tidewaterfly

I have a Crippled Herring and a Tinker Makerel I use for Stripers

There posted in the Craftfoam Baitfish topic. And the Crippled Herring .

But my pride and joy for Strip's is my Softex Squid. They smoke that thing. I can't tell how many times I have caught a bluefish or Striper and ended up wearing Squid parts when the fish start shaking their heads. Pretty nasty ! Lol but that was what prompted me to develop my Squid pattern. Thought Lines

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I'm primarily fishing in creeks & rivers for Stripers so don't use squid patterns much. Would love to see yours however, as never known when I might need a good squid!


I've posted these before. A flashy baitfish, based on the Murdich Minnow. I tied them for a swap a couple of years ago. Of course I tied them a bit different that the original.

These have a good bit of Polar Flash in them. There's also Krystal Flash, and Kanekelon fibers in them. The bodies are Hackle Flash.





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I like those. You have just the right amount of U.V. Colors in them . Put those in direct sunlight and the colors all meld together just like real Baitfish. My PolarFlash Baits do the same thing. The more flash a real baitfish has in the sun the safer it is. PolarFlash behaves like the real thing. I spent a lot of time SCUBA diving and when you look up at the surface it's like looking at a mirror. Silver baitfish are very hard for a predator to find when their up against a mirror background . Makes you wonder how Mother Nature came up with that trick.

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