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Fly Tying

holy Zonkers Batman!!!

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Towing the line a little with these... I'll get them out and in the maik hopefully by the end of the week.

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i received a sweet looking set of flies from Canada with no nickname on the shipping container, or toe tags. would the owner p/m me over at the 'lost and found', please?


two great looking sets are in.


just a friendly reminder that flies are due at the end of the month. as well, please remember to tag you tin and toe tag you flies with your nickname.

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Artimus, I will go to the post office in the morning and get the flies headed in your direction. I have worked so many hours in the last few weeks that i haven't had a chance to mail them.

Take Care,


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I am traveling and don't have my rotary vise, needless to say, tying a dolly llama is taking me 10x longer than I thought it would. it's virtually impossible with the resources that I have while traveling. I am sending in a modified dolly llama, the Conehead double llama instead.


Thanks for understanding.

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