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Wohland 's Softex Squid

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I have been getting a few question about my Squid. So I'm posting these photo showing you a few different Squids in a few color and size variations. Tim








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Thank you buddy. They work good for everything but Calamari . You'll need something for " Diss-Poop-Sia "


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Beautiful flies as usual! How do they cast? Those fins near the hook eye look like they might mess with the aerodynamics if there is a breeze

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Hi agn54. They cast great. They look kinda bulky , but the body from just behind the eyes back is hollow and really light . They don't spin if you take the time to make the fins Exactly the same on both sides by making a very accurate templet to trace out the body parts . Then when I flair the body open the fined don't have the slightest twist so it won't helicopter . It's up to you if they spin or not. If you have any issues replace the tail fins with Marabou like the last Squid photo above. Tim

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