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UV resins

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I have been looking at some UV resins online, but as I have not used them before I am hesitant to drop a lot of money on them. I did find Clear Cure Goo Thick 10 cc tube for $10 on Fishwest. I pretty sure that's a good price. I'm also in the market for a light. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice?

What do you all use?



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Go to the search option on the forum, and search for the member "Silvercreek" he sells resin and IMHO it's better than almost all competition.

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Yes Henry will do you right! GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE and the product is good stuff in my opinion.

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Thanks for all the help guys!

I have reached out and connected with Henry.


Much appreciated-

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I have a new Flexthin formula that cures tack free. Some tyers have asked for a thinner resin with some flex. I have a few bottles of the initial trial run. I am going make a production run one I get more materials delivered.


As always, I really apppreciate the referals and the kind words about my resin. Thanks guys.

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looking forward to trying your new flexthin formula


let us know when its available



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Henry, I'm with flytire.


Also, if you could next find a thick formulat for building baitfish heads, that would be really great.



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I believe the issue with thick formulas is the outer portion cures but the inner doesn't fully. I'm led to believe your better with a few thin layers built on each other.

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i use the uv resin that is used in beauty saloons and in homes everywhere.


i have started using this as a uv resin: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/351151860446?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT . it was the first one that i came across, and was cheap. i also didn't want to invest anymore into this experiment then what i had to.


i cure it with one of these uv nail lights: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/EU-9W-Nail-Art-LED-UV-Lamp-Light-Auto-Timer-Dryer-Nail-Gel-Curing-Polish-Machine-/351344370732?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item51cdc1a42c . i'm borrowing my D.I.L.'s lamp for now. as i said, i didn't want to invest anything, lol.


i will be curing it with this light in the near future: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/251800123447?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT . this should do the trick.


the resin sets up under the nail lamp in under 10 secs, and is tack free after 10mins. it has a nice syrupy consistency, allowing it to be manipulated before you cure it. the difference between working with uv resin and 2 part epoxy is night and day. not having to deal sticky, time sensitive resin is awesome.


if you are looking to get into the uv resin game; are not interested in brands or labels; and are looking to save a few cents dollars, this is the way to go. after trying this resin, i am at a total lose as to why anyone would pay more then $10 for a bottle of this stuff.

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well why doesnt everybody drive a ford?


i'll support silvercreek as his resin is superior to whats out there regardless of price.


ive tried them all including the lina brand ant it just wasnt the right brand for me


silvercreeks brand is all that i will buy

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I have never had a problem with Silver's resin. It has exceeded my expectations every time I use it. It is tack free after 8-10 seconds, so you do not need to put any varnish on it. Plus you know who you are sending your money to.

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being from Canada, trying Silver Creek's resin is out of the question, as i believe that he will only sell to those in the lower 48.


flytire: what was it specifically that you didn't like about the Lina brand of resin? i have no other resins at hand, so i have no idea how one compares to the others.


JasonV: you know that Silercreek is in the US; but do you know if his glass bottles, raw chemicals, or lights are manufactured in the US? i will point out at this time that the Lina and Crystal resin are packaged in the same bottle.




if there is a drawback to the Lina resin is that it doesn't cure 100% in 10 seconds when you zap it. that is the only weak point that i can see. it will cure tack free in the end though. i guess that the only ones that would not be satisfied with this resin are those that need instant results/gratification.

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I believe the issue with thick formulas is the outer portion cures but the inner doesn't fully. I'm led to believe your better with a few thin layers built on each other.

i built up a big head on a streamer using the Lina resin. the resin was blobbed on, manipulated and then zapped before it started to sag. there was no problem with the resin curing all the way through.


i have ordered some thick build-up gel as well. when i get that, i'll post results about that product.

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