niteshft 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 Hello fellow members. My name originated from working the night shift and used it in a play kind of way to help with accepting the shift and it stuck. I found this site by searching for wood duck neck feathers and actually found some before I had a chance to formally introduce myself. What a great bunch of members!?! My brother got me into fly fishing in the early 70's and the first fish I cought on a fly rod was an 8 3/4 pound Atlantic Salmon. It kind'a spoiled me and made it difficult to manage a sensitive, light weight rod and still does at times. I've recently purchased a home-made drift boat from my brother and have been having a blast at the West Branch of the Penobscot River. Speaking of that, is there a way to change my title from "Bait Fisherman" to "Big Eddy Drifter"? I want to post the boat as my avatar pic as well, it has Big Eddy Drifter stenciled on the sides of the bow. Anyways, I've recently started back fly fishing and camping, I needed something to steer me back to sanity. I'm looking to do a little work on the home so I can put it on the market. I'm planning to head north so I won't have to travel much to do my outdoor sporting. I love hunting, fishing and camping and the Millinocket area has the best of both worlds for me. I've met a friend already with the trade for duck feathers and it looks like we may be hunting together I hope to meet more of you as time goes by and be able to help others. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 Nice intro, niteshft. Welcome to the site. I can answer your questions. 1) No, you can't change the title. You'll be a bait fisherman until you've posted a certain number of times. Honestly, I don't remember how many it takes, but it's not a lot. Then it changes to a slight less ignoble name for a few more posts, and so on. You can't have it be whatever you want it ... sorry. 2) If you go to your profile page, there's some fairly detailed info on updating your avatar and other information. It's not too hard to navigate, and you should have your boat up there quickly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlaFly 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2015 welcome niteshft Once you do all Mike said, your avatar will still be too small for us to really appreciate. How about posting a photo of your boat? We do a lot of discussing which boat is best, etc. I've never used a drift boat... they kinda look to me like the ones the elves gave Frodo and the gang in Lord of the Rings. I'm assuming they're stabile.? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
niteshft 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2015 I understand your position on the avatar and will think about another pic. As far as the title of being a bait fisherman, I thought someone was playing a joke and make it that way and thought about just leaving. I'm glad I asked so now I know how this place runs...though strange as it seems. If it wasn't for the friendliness of the members here, I wouldn't have asked. The pic is on another PC and I'll work on getting it on here because it's a beautiful boat. I love the ease of moving it on the water. It has a balance of width and rock from front to back which makes it stable and easy to row and I have a bad back. I've taken a run of the river a couple of times and each time makes it easier than the other...tho it is a simple run. Remember, the slow water gives you a chance to really show off your skills, drift, relax and play your line. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chuck McFarlane 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2015 Welcome aboard Niteshft , Spent a lot of time North of the boarder chasing Atlantic salmon on the fly in the 80's. I fished mainly in New Brunswick on two of the famous rivers Miramichi and Restigouche. I too became hooked on fly fishing after hooking into my first salmon. I'll never forget the sudden swirl and immediate shock through my entire arm when the salmon took my streamer. I was so green to the sport at that time that I'd basically used something like a double surgeons knot to join my backing and fly line. To this day I'll never understand how that fish didn't clear my entire rod of guides when it made that first blistering tail walking run. I'll never forget the old timers shaking their heads in disbelief with each ka chunk ka chunk ka chunk as that huge knot barely passed through each guide. We ended up landing it. I too recently got back into fly fishing and tying. I trust you'll find this site and it's people extremely helpful and knowledgeable. I look forward to hearing more on your drift boating adventures. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites