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Fly Tying

Female Phasianus Colchicus

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OK, I had to look it up, it's just a hen Ringneck Pheasant. Common, plentiful, naturalized throughout much of Europe and N. America, fully legal (in the US). Good wet fly and soft hackle material. The picture you posted is a nice looking pelt, but it seems, to me, a bit overpriced (an eBay special?). As SBPatt and Crackaig have shown, though, you can do a lot with it.


Basically, it can be substituted in any pattern that calls for game bird hackle or body feathers. The wings can sub. for turkey, grouse or guinea.

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Hackle looks pretty good in those pictures. I'm sure I can come up with something smile.png I will post once a tie a few. Probably tie them on some TMC105 hooks.

How do you properly match a pair? Just try to perfectly match 2 feather that look the same, just reverse from each other?

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The wing feathers make a nice March Brown wet. Lighter in color than the turkey March Brown we tie around here. And the barring stands out better since it's more of a contrast. Around here, you don't see the wing feathers or even the skins for sale at fly shops. No pheasants around here.

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OK, I had to look it up, it's just a hen Ringneck Pheasant. Common, plentiful, naturalized throughout much of Europe and N. America, fully legal (in the US). Good wet fly and soft hackle material. The picture you posted is a nice looking pelt, but it seems, to me, a bit overpriced (an eBay special?). As SBPatt and Crackaig have shown, though, you can do a lot with it.


Basically, it can be substituted in any pattern that calls for game bird hackle or body feathers. The wings can sub. for turkey, grouse or guinea.


I seen a couple website that sold these skins and most where pretty tight like the partridge I see online sold in the packages.

Usually cost around $15 plus shipping. This one was $15, but the shipping cost was $9 after I talked his down from his $15 he was asking, but he usually sends them all spread out on a big piece of cardboard. Top price was paid for this skin, so it wasn't a "deal" but hopefully it was a good investment, if not, I will just sell it and buy something else :)

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