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Fly Tying

September flies from the bench

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Welcome Troutah


Yep they will definitely work. In Southern Australia I have tied some 'average' looking pheasant tails that have been very successful



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Here's some streamers I kicked out.



VMC Stream Fly 4X Long #2 Hook

Danville's 210 Waxed Fly Master Plus Thread

Chartreuse Rexlace Plastic Lacing (Hobby Lobby)

Silver Rope Tinsel (Wal-Mart)

White Hackles

Chartreuse Buck Tail

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Bob Popovic's Hollow Fleye is one of the greatest fly patterns EVER. Here is a synthetic version I tied using Deer Creek Gliss n Glint. The hook is a 2/0 Partridge Attitude Extra for size reference.




These are double articulated streamers I tied that equal about 3.5" total length. They weight next to nothing and have a ton of movement in the water. Perfect for a 5 or 6wt fly rod. I am very happy with the way this pattern came out.



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Hey Dan, very nice double articulated streamers. Any chance of get a materials list. I'd love to try it.





Thank you. Apparently "Foxy Lady" is already a fly pattern so this one is still nameless.....



#4 Partridge Attitude Extra

Palmer Chenille

Arctic Fox tail hair

DNA Chromosome flash fins each side



40mm Articulation Shank from Flymenfishing Co

Palmer Chenille

Arctic Fox tail hair

DNA Chromosome flash fins each side



25# nylon coated wire with two plastic beads



#1 Partridge Attitude Extra

Palmer Chenille

Arctic Fox tail hair in a dubbing loop for 360 degree bulk

DNA Chromosome flash fins each side.

Weightless dumbell eyes from Montana Fly Co

Arctic Fox tail hair reverse tied for the head, Whip finish and super glue before folding the hair back.

Deer Creek UV Flex resin to control direction of hair and shape of head


Best of luck with it.

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Hi Retro,


Will post them as soon as I can work out how to take them off my Iphone - I cloud not working




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All looks good to me lol but what do I know ? Lol

Could you send me a materials list for your flies ?



And please don't say pheasant tail lol

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