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Fly Tying

Safety pin fly

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I have some tied up that I give to kids to young to handle flies at SowBug.

C an put hem on coats or shirts ect. That way the kids get something there.



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Pretty close tie ... which came first, the tied fly or the safety pin?


Walter Hunt (1795-1859) patented the safety pin on April 10, 1849 (patent No. 6,281).

One of the earliest references to the use of a fly-tying vise is in Ogden on Fly Tying (London, 1887).


Also ... which came first, Flytire or "recorded history"?

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LOL Questions that always raise a conversation/debate/argument.

Evolution presents it's changes in the "next" generation, so the egg came first. Whatever laid that egg wasn't yet a "true" chicken.

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I always intentionally waited till the last week before Christmas to shop, especially for the wife because all the Ladies shops discounted their goods, like 40-60% off. Why pay 100% for the exact same item ? But now since I don't go out to shop but do it online I had to bump it up a week or two just so it gets here on time. They do the same thing online ( I've bought a lot from Coldwater Creek and Amazon), catching the sale can be tricky for deliveries and I might have to take a bit lesser sale. I just figure it's made up with the gas I didn't spend money on running around. The kids are all grown up now producing grand kids, some of whom are also grown up now. So that's gift certificate stuff. The local grocery store has them for tons of different businesses and restaurants. It's less than a mile from my house.


I have the problem too ( mentioned by another poster) of if I don't fish with it or can't fish with it then the fly doesn't inspire me to tie it. But my hat could use a fly or two on it I think.. I like the idea of brouch pins, maybe my wife has a brouch I can strip and tie on LOL !! I've seen guys with a velcro or lamb strip around their hats and flies rimming the entire hat. But I believe they were all real and usable flies. That makes a bit of sense to me somehow but not enough to actually do it.

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If you get some fairly stout stainless wire used for making spinner shafts, you can form your own "pins" any size you want, and just make a little j-hook at the end. That way you avoid the big gnarly metal contraption at the head of the safety pin. Looks much nicer.

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Guest rich mc

ive tied a chenille worm ona safety pin as a hat decoration.using the thick bohemian chenille helps hide the hardware. rich mc

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I would but I currently have the Scary Spider one going on....


Now a scary spider on a lapel pin might be great for Halloween.


... which came first, the tied fly or the safety pin?



Methinks flies by a few centuries.

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I tied some up for my wedding for the groomsmen and I, Rangeley style with fluorescent orange and furnace hackle wings, looked good against the camo. Tied up some others last year for christmas that came out pretty good. J. Stockard sells gold brooch pins that are made like a hook and I think there are some other ones out there.

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Every year the Mo department of conservation has a one day event to introduce people to the out doors. One of the events is fly tying, our club has 4 or 5 people tying safety pin flies for the kids and even adults. The kids stand in line waiting to get a fly, sometimes they ask for a particular fly saw on someone else. They would place there order and come back a few minutes later to pick up their fly. Last year I took at least a 100 safety pin flies with me and tied continuously for at least 4 hours with 3 other tiers. It was my first year, from what I've been told we normally hand out at least 1000 of these things during the day. Always a great success and a hot spot for the kids who attend, it's also great fun for us.


We tied a lot of multi-colored foam bugs and beetles as well as large colorful streamers and many other creative THINGS. If you want to tie a pin fly as a gift great, make it a piece of art, if you want to have some fun and put smiles on kids faces find a venue that you can participate in and have fun.

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