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Fly Tying

November Flies from the Vise

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Hey ... You've out weirded me. You are the champion and I ain't even trying to beat that record.

How's the knee doing? Good I hope.

Two different docs say it's doing great, to start exercising it which happened yesterday. Very sore overnight and this morning but pretty good now. All in all doing OK. Lot of icing going on and this minute I have heat on it. I'm not complaining, they found minimal damage in there. The more I flex muscles and move it around, bear weight, the better it will go I guess. I just want to be back on my bicycle because that is my main cardio exercise, been off it since Aug 16th. My body is turning to mush one limb at a time since!! Its amazing how one messed up limb/joint screws with everything.

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Hi everyone,


We are heading into a serious drought (Melbourne, Australia) and the small streams I visit are fishing as though it is mid summer! With water levels falling and eater temperatures increasing rapidly, the Klinkhammer under these conditions appears to be the fly of choice. It is landing me trout at first light, during a hatch (or in the absence of a hatch) and when there and aren't any rises. The key is size. If I fish a #14 may not get any interest. Change to an #18 and it's all systems go! It's amazing thing this fly fishing and love the fact that you always keep learning.


Three cheers to the Klinkhammer. Parachute Adams comes a second close



Nice flies ! We don't have any hatches around here that look like that particular Klinkhammer though so guess I won't be tying any.



The cool thing about Klinkhammers is you can make them as generic or as specific as you want. It's one of my favorite patterns for that reason. A simple pheasant tail body/peacock herl thorax version is killer. On a trip to TN last summer, a version with a pheasant tail body, sparse shuck, and yellow thorax worked great during sulphur hatches. I tie a "royal" version with herl and a red band of thread for brookies that works great. Let your imagination run wild with the general pattern design!

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Hi everyone,


We are heading into a serious drought (Melbourne, Australia) and the small streams I visit are fishing as though it is mid summer! With water levels falling and eater temperatures increasing rapidly, the Klinkhammer under these conditions appears to be the fly of choice. It is landing me trout at first light, during a hatch (or in the absence of a hatch) and when there and aren't any rises. The key is size. If I fish a #14 may not get any interest. Change to an #18 and it's all systems go! It's amazing thing this fly fishing and love the fact that you always keep learning.


Three cheers to the Klinkhammer. Parachute Adams comes a second close



Nice flies ! We don't have any hatches around here that look like that particular Klinkhammer though so guess I won't be tying any.



The cool thing about Klinkhammers is you can make them as generic or as specific as you want. It's one of my favorite patterns for that reason. A simple pheasant tail body/peacock herl thorax version is killer. On a trip to TN last summer, a version with a pheasant tail body, sparse shuck, and yellow thorax worked great during sulphur hatches. I tie a "royal" version with herl and a red band of thread for brookies that works great. Let your imagination run wild with the general pattern design!


Yes I quickly found that out as I looked up some tying videos on them ! Thanks ! I think I could use a spin off of these for our spring hatch of black caddis actually. i'll contemplate that this winter.


I like Mcphails tie of this fly. The thing is this, I have a black caddis pupa/ emerger now and I use black Elk Hair Caddis as the adult. This Klinkhammer if done right could bridge the gap or just give another option to try on tricky fish even though not really a caddis pattern..

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Quick afternoon session with some new hackle biggrin.png


I like those eide ....great drys for those late afternoon hatches

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And what about for the damsel?

The damsel nymph is uploaded to the new pattern section of the forum bud.

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Just finished tiling my bathroom so it's time to relax with a beer and a tying session

Caddis on a size #14 B200

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UV2 HOLO COPPER FIRE JIG – Oishi/Variant – Hanak C400BL, #16, Dohiku HDJ Jig Hook, #18…








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UV2 HOLO COPPER FIRE JIG – Oishi/Variant – Hanak C400BL, #16, Dohiku HDJ Jig Hook, #18…








Hey I tie ones like those gamera in black !! Didn't know they had a fancy name LOL. What hook did you use ?

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