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Fly Tying

November Flies from the Vise

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Red Tinsel over Black D-Rib.

Went to a wider/brighter tinsel because I ran out of the other.



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Kimo, I'm not a trout fly guy, so maybe shouldn't remark [judge]. But I can't help it. Your ties and the photos are beautiful. Thank you. Cheers, Ed

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Kimo, I'm not a trout fly guy, so maybe shouldn't remark [judge]. But I can't help it. Your ties and the photos are beautiful. Thank you. Cheers, Ed

Thanks Ed.

I'm just having fun.



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Kimo is a hell of tier but his photography skills are simply amazing. He could easily work for National Geographic!!! Both his tying abilities and his eye with the len makes his posts a work of art.


eide is also in the same category as far as I am concerned. Both of these gentlemen definitely have the knack for this wonderful art. It would be an honor to get to sit across a table from them and watch them tie. Who knows maybe our paths might cross one day.

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Pellis Muskrat Nymph




Created by Pennsylvania tyer (and world-champion decoy carver) Tom Pellis.

hook - Mustad 3906B #10

underbody - non-tox wire (optional)

thread - Danville 6/0 black

tail - brown hen

rib - x-small wire gold

body - muskrat

body hackle - brown saddle clipped

hackle - brown hen



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Thanks Chrome! Was inspired to tie some softhackles when a friend of mine, who just started flyfishing, caught a nice trout on a softhackle nymph he found in a tree.

Nice pattern and photos Scott! Unweighted softhackles are on my schedule, like the look of the trimmed hackle. Do you trim before winding the hackle or after?

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Do you trim before winding the hackle or after?

After, although you could certainly trim beforehand.




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First of 12 patterns for Winter in the Eastern Sierras...




MOTTLED MIDGE UV2 – Gamakatsu C12-B, #18 – #20…




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First of 12 patterns for Winter in the Eastern Sierras...




MOTTLED MIDGE UV2 – Gamakatsu C12-B, #18 – #20…




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Man the photos are GREAT on many of these flies. Some of you must have a small fortune tied up in photography equipment! Very well done indeed!!!

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A little combination of a San Juan worm with a lowly glowly egg fly I thought of for the upcoming winter steelhead season. Hopefully it works out. If it catches a fish, I may call it the fertile myrtle. That's my rule, it has to catch fish in order to earn a name.


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