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Fly Tying

November Flies from the Vise

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Geezo Peezo, Eide. Think you have enough stuff on that fly? It is beautifully crammed together, though.

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Testing out new concepts, material and techniques :)

Whatever the new concepts, material and techniques are they seem to be working...beautiful.

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Geezo Peezo, Eide. Think you have enough stuff on that fly? It is beautifully crammed together, though.

I can still add some more ;) But, I recon the next one will have a little bit less hackle



Whatever the new concepts, material and techniques are they seem to be working...beautiful.



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Sally Nymph








A Zug Bug all grown up; another one from Terry Hellekson's Fish Flies.


hook - Mustad 3906B #12

thread - Danville 6/0 black

rib - x-small wire gold

tail - peacock sword

body - peacock herl

hackle - hen brown

wing - teal flank






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Experimenting a little with craft fur, trying to get a decent baitfish pattern going.







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Thanks retrocarp! The material used is extra select craft fur from hareline. I kept it simple ans started out with a tail of craft fur in the top color. Then i tied in clumps of material on the top and bottom of the shank, working up to the head.


The thing is that it differs some between the different colors in the length and "fullness" of the fibers, even though they should all be uniform. For example the chartreuse is ~ 1 cm longer than all the rest, so using chartreuse om the underside of the fly requires more work to make the fly proportional which is a drag :/

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Here's a couple of my recent ties. The two on the top is my first go at a pattern found on youtube called "fat boy mullet". Maybe a bit to big for the seatrouts, but i had to give em a go. Hopefully one of the bottom two will give me fish on saturday. A friend of mine is holding a fishing competition/party for 15-20 friends from all over the country. I'd love to run with the honors, even thouh i suspect the fishing will not have first priority.....hahahaha


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Nice ties, Papa.


Your note that the first two flies might be too big for Sea Trout ... maybe, but I doubt it.

It's been my observation that many fish refuse too small a presentation. If there are larger prey to be had, they don't waste effort on small stuff.

Although highly pressured fish might refuse larger prey, most fish won't. They old adage for bass fishing applies to most fishing. If you want big fish, use big baits.

Smaller flies will get you more hits, but bigger flies can get you larger fish.


All you stream trout anglers who fish size 24 flies, disregard my observations.

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