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Fly Tying

Flytyinfreak in Hospital

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For those of you who remember Flytyinfreak, he was in a serious automobile accident. He was on a ventalator until today. He is in the ICU in a hospital in Idaho. You can follow his progress on his Facebook page Ross Slayton. The wreck happened on his way to work. It was his second day at a brand new job. Please keep a kind thought for his recovery.

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For those of you who remember Flytyinfreak, he was in a serious automobile accident. He was on a ventalator until today. He is in the ICU in a hospital in Idaho. You can follow his progress on his Facebook page Ross Slayton. The wreck happened on his way to work. It was his second day at a brand new job. Please keep a kind thought for his recovery.

You got it ! Or he does.

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Sorry to hear that, I wish him a full and speedy recovery. I always got a kick out his crazy avatar pics of himself

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Definitely many thoughts and prayers his direction. He's always a fun contributor to the forum. Get well soon!

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A "Go Fund Me" site has been opened to help Ross with medical expenses. You can see a few pictures of him and of what's left of his car. Ross had $14.00 to his name when he started this new job, now he is looking at months of rehab and recovery. At this Thanksgiving please give if you can.


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