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Best bobbin?

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I edited my response and apparently it didn't get posted


Read crackaigs response

I agree, once I posted my post I saw his and is was very thorough.

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My first choice is Marc Petitjean MP-TT Bobbin. Spins well, easy to load and adjust for different types of thread spools. 2nd choice would be Tiemco, solid all around bobbin. Ones I have tried and didn't like. C & F Bobbins, the main draw back to me was they are heavy. Rite bobbins, don't spin well and take a long time to load thread.

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I agree with the logic 100% but ive never had one go bad on me, I guess my question is what would make one bobbin better than another other than adjustable tension? Which for me I just close my hand a little for more tension. What should myself and the op look for in a "good" bobbin thank you


I have been tying for a few years now. I've gone through 4 different bobbins so far. 3 steel tubes have worn out and the latest was a Dr. Slick with ceramic insert. The weld point failed. The one thing it did not have was a coin/ thumb spot to hold it with. That style feel best in my hand. Not sure that makes it a "Good Bobbin" or not. I too wear an XL/XXL glove. I am looking for a new bobbin, has anyone worked with the Stonfo?



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Wow thanks for the responses guys. Craig, very thorough thank you. Looks like the tiemco bobbin has been getting some good reviews, along with the c&f.




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I picked up a Rite Bobbin recently and I really like it. I started getting away from the cheap bobbins because I found WAY too many of them had little burs somewhere in the tube and would cut my thread, especially when tying salt flies with lots of pressure. (they are all spooled with wire now) The Rite bobbin is awesome for me so far, the only down side I have found is that it is a little small in my hand, I ordered the Salt water version right away and that should fix that problem. The adjustable tension is nice and the price wont kill you. The C&F Bobbin looks sweet, have not tried it yet.

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petijean bobbin holder isnt the only one that incorporates a dubbing loop maker


wasatch made them also




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The Petitjean Bobbin did not work for me. The self threading feature would not work with 17/0 Uni thread.
I prefer the Tiemco Bobbins and the C&F's.


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C&F designs bobbin costs no more then one Tiemco & a couple of El cheapos, El cheapo bobbins will just rape your nerves & the problem with my Tiemco bobbin is you have to keep rubbing your nose between the brass ends to stop the sqeeking & get the thread reel to run smooth!

Ha reel em in ..... Got yer Adam lolololo

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The Petitjean Bobbin did not work for me. The self threading feature would not work with 17/0 Uni thread.

I prefer the Tiemco Bobbins and the C&F's.



Not sure how everyone threads there bobbins , I know there are threaders on the market but honestly the way I do it is kind of funny but works every time get the end of the thread near the opening and put the end of the bobbin in your mouth a quick inhale and the thread comes right through!

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Hi back again ...

I use quite a few different bobbins from dirt cheap to medium priced all work well for me .

I hope this helps.

The cheap brass coloured ones can be easily adjusted by bending the arms closer increasing thread tension .

And re threading them .... The same method as Joe works really well

Not so well on ceramic inserts though.

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The Petitjean Bobbin did not work for me. The self threading feature would not work with 17/0 Uni thread.

I prefer the Tiemco Bobbins and the C&F's.



Not sure how everyone threads there bobbins , I know there are threaders on the market but honestly the way I do it is kind of funny but works every time get the end of the thread near the opening and put the end of the bobbin in your mouth a quick inhale and the thread comes right through!


I do the same thing only I stuff the thread into the bobbin a little ways first ! Been doing it that from day one with my first fly. Today there is some tricky tool for anything imaginable

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I use Griffin.

Good enough for me. I use what ever brand , what matters most is how you adjust it. I still have my and use my very first bobbin that I then thought was junk, it has the flared copper tube where the thread feeds out. I thought that cut thread, nooooo, it was set too tight.

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