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Fly Tying
eastern fly

Articulated Trout Streamers

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So, I bought some of that body tubing....it's a pain in the @$$!!!! I burned through about half the pack before I got it right. I was melting the end too much, which kept it from expanding it to fit over the rest of the fly when you turn it inside out on itself. And it is tough to judge where on the hook you want it. So, about 5 flies later, and half a pack of tubing, I finally got it right! It is a very interesting material and I believe I will be using it quite a bit for some new skinny water, night time trout streamers :)

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Flies arrived. Great job, lots of inspiration in this group.


Thanks for putting this together E-F.

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Yep, got a beautiful set of real streamers in the mail today. That's why I love this swap. I can just send in that size 10 Wooly Bugger and get everyone else's dandy bass streamers. Just got an invite from a guy not too far from who has been getting nice 5-15# stripers mixed in with white bass and sure would love to go try that out. Some of these streamers would be just the right thing for that fishing. Great tying guys and fills the big side of the box well (and colorful).

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Wow that was fast. Photo if possible?

I want everyone to be surprised. I'll post photos in a day or two for the site as a whole.

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Would have gotten these up sooner, but the fly, err flu, has had me in bed since last Saturday. This is everything I had a toe tag for. Thanks again to everyone, especially E-Fly.

























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