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Fly Tying
eastern fly

Articulated Trout Streamers

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Not part of this swap but have enjoyed seeing the flies. Sm, when you get all the flies would you mind posting a photo of all the flies together? I'm going to have to tie some more...



If someone drops out I will let you know and I will try to post some pics.



Sorry is there was a misunderstanding, I can't take part in this swap even if a spot opens up. I'm just interested in seeing all the completed flies.

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Circus peanuts are sent. Four of y'all are getting black ones: I ran out of olive and I'm in a new material moratorium, so black it was.

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Im gonna have to send my flies later if that's okay. It's been a crazy year already. My dad has had 4 surgeries in the last 2 weeks and they finally put him into a rehabilitation center so he can begin to get his strength back. I have barely had any time to touch my vise. I have probably 3 flies currently done.

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Branden ... take your tying stuff to the hospital with you. They'll LOVE you when you start pulling dead animal hides out. wink.png


On a serious note. I hope your Dad is done with the surgeries and makes a full recovery in rehab.

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Im gonna have to send my flies later if that's okay. It's been a crazy year already. My dad has had 4 surgeries in the last 2 weeks and they finally put him into a rehabilitation center so he can begin to get his strength back. I have barely had any time to touch my vise. I have probably 3 flies currently done.

Do what life needs and keep me updated. If it looks like you will be a while let me know.



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In the mail


Can't wait to see these! I have been wanting to buy some of that body tubing. I've watched a couple of tying videos, and it looks like a pain in the @$$ to tie with. What do you think of it?

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In the mail


Can't wait to see these! I have been wanting to buy some of that body tubing. I've watched a couple of tying videos, and it looks like a pain in the @$$ to tie with. What do you think of it?


Mike your a BAD MAN.



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