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Fly Tying

ikea led light

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well i received the ikea lights today and i have to say they are definitely going back to ikea


i assembled 1 light and put in my tying area and it just doesnt provide enough light for my aging eyes


it doesnt flood a large area with light. if you want a tiny spotlight on the fly it might be ok for you


i do not recommend this light

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Thank you for the review, Flytire.

I was seriously thinking of getting a couple ... ever since this thread started. Glad I waited for your test run.

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I have two lights from ikea, one on a stand, one that clips. My wife used them for sewing and she doesn't use them any longer.


They won't flood an area by themselves, but the two together are more than adequate.


It's not the same light as pictures in the OP, but it looks very similar.

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yup save your money


the light was yellowish compared to my whiter full spectrum

Very true, it's not a "bright white".


There are probably better lights.

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yup save your money


the light was yellowish compared to my whiter full spectrum

Very true, it's not a "bright white".


There are probably better lights.

Ott light isn't too bad. 50% off with coupon at Micheals.

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JoAnns puts the Ott lights on sale on a fairly regular basis. Sign up for their web site specials to get the flyers. They carry a lot of different types. Sales are typically half off.

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Can't have too much light. I like it bright enough to perform do eye surgery. I've got an Ott lamp over my vise and it lights up the fly. An aid to my aging eyesight.

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it's easy to play armchair quarterback on a monday but just looking at the specs on that original light i wouldn't have imagined it would have worked out well at all. lowe's has a table lamp with 20-something LEDs and a flexible neck listed at $19.99 but was on sale 2 days ago when i bought it for $17.99. i wish it had a longer neck but it'll work out just fine if anyone's interested. slightly blueish light (which i don't like that much). i mean, really, if it's "daylight balanced," or "neutral," i wouldn't see a blue cast like i do on tons of highly regarded lights.


i supplement that lowe's light with a warm halogen light, the overlap of colors makes it more neutral to me.

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live and learn i guess


the lights have been returned to ikea and my home depot full spectrum lamps are back in place


when i need more light i just open the blinds and let the sun shine in



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