breambuster 0 Report post Posted January 30, 2016 Got yours today, PJ2. Yours is the second set to arrive. Thanks BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishhead79 0 Report post Posted January 31, 2016 Fishhead, I'll put you on the list for round 3, but this swap is the only one we will be doing in the Skill Builder series that involves soft hackles. Last time we did nymphs, this time, it's soft hackles. Next time it will be either wet flies, emergers or dry flies. I had planned for wets, then emergers & then dries, but a member has asked that we do dries next time. I'm still mulling that one over. Please check the forum at least once a day. There are swaps starting up all the time, but they usually feel up with a day or two. Take care BB If it makes a difference I'd be more into the wets or emergers but I'm just itching to get into a swap like u wouldn't believe. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DavidR 0 Report post Posted January 31, 2016 BB - same addy as round 1 ? Mine will hit the post office this week. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Armyflyguy247 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2016 Mailing mine on Tuesday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2016 Yes Sir, Same Addy. Armyflyguy247, do you have my mailing address? BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2016 Fishingbobnelson, your flies arrived today. Very much appreciated. Thanks BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wetsock 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 BB will mail mine this weekend. Been dealing with double vision but luckily I got flies done before issue started. Seeing Doc next week so I will keep you posted if I can do round 3 or not. Tying right now is hard to say the least. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Wow, Wetsock.I'm sorry to hear that you are having vision problems. And you have to wait until next week to have it seen about. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, for sure. Please keep us updated on this. Take care BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Well, we received a VERY sweet set of soft hackles today from Vicrider, but I am totally confused. Nick, let's see if you can help me out. I received a package in the mail with a return address of Albion, Pa. But inside, I found a return envelope with stamps (way to go, Vic) from Vicrider. And inside the package is a fly box with the afore-mentioned soft hackles. So, Vic, how did you get a guy in Albion, Pa to send me your flies? Inquiring minds want to know. But however it happened, I've got 'em, Vic! Take care BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 A very simple set of soft hackles it is. Because I worked hard to get them as close to clones as possible I sent them to Dubs to inspect them first and see if he'd send them through or not. Actually, I mentioned in another thread that I'm going to go back to being anal and mark both the to and from packages and the box with whose swap and whose flies they're for. Now for a challenge. On the tag for you is an extra redass. One of the two was what I considered a reject (there's several of those in my trout box). I tried hard to get equal length and wraps on the starling and it's not easy so that isn't the reason I rejected a couple like that. Can you see why the dna links of one of those flies mutated enough to be a reject? Hint...if you look straight down on the ones I sent, then look straight down on your two you might get it. I was pretty anal on those and they are one of the best fish catchers in many waters you can use. The wire just helps to break the surface film but you still almost always see the take when casting to dimpling fish. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DavidR 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2016 Mailed today, should be there Monday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wetsock 0 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 Mine are in the mail. Sent a few extra that work well when Gills and Bass are rising on my pond, as a thanks for hosting. Eye issue is 6th nerve parelyis and Doc said it should correct its self with time. Go back to see him end of week hopfuly he will have good news. Thanks for your prayers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
josephcsylvia 0 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 My flies are going out tomorrow, thanks for a great swap and I would like to say now that I would like to participate in the next round! Thanks BB. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted February 7, 2016 Sounds good I will have to try it. We usually cut it into steaks boil water with 3 potatoes in the water place a screen above pot lay fish skin side up steam for 10 minutes checking for flaking after 7 minutes serve with drawn lemon butter. Tastes just like lobster. Warning discard the potatoes do not eat. My buddy ate them once and after the first bite he excused himself from the table and spent the next half hour in the bathroom.We cannot keep wild steelhead in most rivers in the west. But once and a while I have kept a hatchery fish. Split in half, remove the bones, brush with soy sauce, lemon juice and melted butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Lay skin side down on a Weber charcoal grill over medium heat, add a handful of soaked alder chips and cover the grill and cook until meat flakes, check after about 10 minutes. Serve with fresh lemon wedges. Bob I tried this last night with a rainbow I caught fishing the ice ledges on the Rifle River. Delicious is all I can say I served it on a bed of wild rice and morel mushrooms. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
josephcsylvia 0 Report post Posted February 8, 2016 guys im heading to the post office Bream buster i need a shipping address if someone can pm it to me so i can get these out Please thank you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites