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February Flies From the Bench

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BAT WING NYMPH(s) – Olive/ Fire Fly…




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Tied up some Beck's Super Buggers this weekend. Accidently left the legs off the first few, but they'll fish anyway.



Carp and trout ?? What sizes if you don't mind me asking ?

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Not posted much recently, so here's what I'm working on. It's deer hair (as opposed to dear hare as I saw it called, elsewhere, the other day), just not the kind of work with it we are seeing so many excellent examples of recently. This is the only fly I've tied this month, but then again I do have 36 dozen of them to crank out.



Mayflies for the River Wye in Derbyshire. Sadly I don't think I'll make it down there for that hatch. I did get to fish it a few years ago. It was quite amazing watching huge fish throwing themselves at very large flies.



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Thank you, but I would now happily tie a Double Badger just for the change! (I tie usually over 1k of them a season, and get sick of the sight of them).



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That's a crap load of ties

Why deer hair as opposed to foam extended bodies ....wouldn't they be easier or do you just prefer deer hair for flotation

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Nice work crackaig

Why deer hair as opposed to foam extended bodies

36 DOZEN flies, Retro.

Commercial tier ... I'm guessing you tie what the customer wants, not what you like or what's "easier".

Now that you're selling flies, too, you might get into this kind of thing!

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Mike is spot on. What the customer wants. I wouldn't do the wings with CdC either if they were for me.

This would be more the sort of thing I'd tie for myself.


However, he who pays the piper... I just wish he would hurry up!



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Mike is spot on. What the customer wants. I wouldn't do the wings with CdC either if they were for me.

This would be more the sort of thing I'd tie for myself.


However, he who pays the piper... I just wish he would hurry up!




Very interesting tie. I concocted something very similar to try sometime in the sulphur hatches on the South Holston. I didn't invert the hook, though. Does it consistently ride point up? Any issues with the wally wings getting damaged or hookups?

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Tied up some Beck's Super Buggers this weekend. Accidently left the legs off the first few, but they'll fish anyway.



Carp and trout ?? What sizes if you don't mind me asking ?



I'm going to try them on largemouth bass, but they'd probably work with both carp and trout.


I think most are tied these on Allen B200 #10 & 12, but one or two may be on Mustad 3366 #4. The Allen hook is a large gape bass fly hook, sharp as heck, equivalent to a TMC 8089. I like the large gape to make sure those bucket mouths get hooked.

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