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Fly Tying

Fugly Hair Packed Sizes?

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Those are some great looking hair bugs!


One thing I do (but not nearly as well as you guys) is to put the razor blade halfway in a plastic pill bottle that saves my fingers and keeps the bend constant. Maybe you guys do as well.


I absolutely hate making hair bugs, but my pal Jim likes it and does it all the time.

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Very nice video. Thanks for making it and thanks for posting the link.


Is "parchment" the same thing as wax paper?

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Superfly..what's he's name?(too lazy to go back and look it up) Does some bombs ass deer hair work no doubt...I can tie that tight without his tool but what I really appalled him for is he got off is butt and made this tool happen. I've had three ideas in my life for a new tool, researched it and couldn't come up with the money to make it happen..the Waspi foam poppers you guys buy now days I spent $500 plus in the late 80's designing and just providing blueprints...$10,000 a mold and then a 1,000 ordered at a time per size..done...killed. Those you buy now days are my engineered/blueprints I can't even tell you how much time I put into talking to foam manufacturers trying to figure out which type of foam to use..the internet was in it's infancy then. Wasn't like you could go Youtube it.



Rather you like the Superfly tool or not give the guy credit for making something happen 99% of you will never will.


Who said this? (Do right and nobody will ever remember,Fk up and nobody will ever forget)...that's what I see here.



And do you think this guy is getting rich on this or even breaking even? He's probably wishing he never did this is my guess.

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Very nice video. Thanks for making it and thanks for posting the link.


Is "parchment" the same thing as wax paper?

No, but waxed paper would probably work. You find parchment in the supermarket, where you also find waxed paper. It's also good for paper patching old-timey bullets.

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Wax would probably work, I just use parchment. It's cheap and a roll will last forever because I am using one little 1x1 square of it at a time, if not less. It's pretty slick the way it peels right off the cured glue. One word of warning with that method that I learned, shave the face pretty flat before you glue it. Otherwise, the glue will hold the hair back just fine until a couple of strikes and it gets dinged. The glue may be holding it back but there's still a lot of push coming from the hair, so when it gets roughed up the pushing deer hair can win the fight. Doesn't affect the fishability of the bug at all, but I'm particular about such things.

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Thanks, Cream and johnny.


Cream, to answer your question (as I have, several times, but once more can't hurt): My friend owns one. I've checked it out at his place, handled it, and clamped it around a hook, though I have not tied a fly with it. Hence asking the questions I've been asking the whole time. I wasn't telling anyone they were wrong, just asking for a reason as to why it was any better than what existed before, and comparing the feedback to what I did know about the thing. That seems to offend a lot of people.




So after all that, questioning my reading comprehension and everything...I was right. You've never actually used one. Good day, sir.

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Thanks, Cream and johnny.


Cream, to answer your question (as I have, several times, but once more can't hurt): My friend owns one. I've checked it out at his place, handled it, and clamped it around a hook, though I have not tied a fly with it. Hence asking the questions I've been asking the whole time. I wasn't telling anyone they were wrong, just asking for a reason as to why it was any better than what existed before, and comparing the feedback to what I did know about the thing. That seems to offend a lot of people.




So after all that, questioning my reading comprehension and everything...I was right. You've never actually used one. Good day, sir.


Why would I even ask questions about something if I already know the answers?


If pretending that I was misrepresenting something (something that, by the way, I stated several times, that you apparently couldn't be bothered to read) and "claiming victory" is what it takes for you to feel important, I'm glad I could provide that to you.


It's a good thing you can tie flies and use a screwdriver, because I don't think advanced reading comprehension is in the cards.


Congratulations, big guy, you sure showed me!

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Thanks, Cream and johnny.


Cream, to answer your question (as I have, several times, but once more can't hurt): My friend owns one. I've checked it out at his place, handled it, and clamped it around a hook, though I have not tied a fly with it. Hence asking the questions I've been asking the whole time. I wasn't telling anyone they were wrong, just asking for a reason as to why it was any better than what existed before, and comparing the feedback to what I did know about the thing. That seems to offend a lot of people.



So after all that, questioning my reading comprehension and everything...I was right. You've never actually used one. Good day, sir.

Why would I even ask questions about something if I already know the answers?


If pretending that I was misrepresenting something (something that, by the way, I stated several times, that you apparently couldn't be bothered to read) and "claiming victory" is what it takes for you to feel important, I'm glad I could provide that to you.


It's a good thing you can tie flies and use a screwdriver, because I don't think advanced reading comprehension is in the cards.


Congratulations, big guy, you sure showed me!

Big clap from this guy. Well written.

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Heard y'all were debating or questioning the fugly packer and/or its price point...I will say one thing...I have been tying flies for less then a year...and the main reason I can get tight, bomb proof bugs is cause I am packing the stacks back with the proper tool. its also a 20 dollar difference give or take...hardly a reason to bicker and argue heh



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Well, I kept delaying ordering one of these, but Santa showed up one of the original sized ones. I got a chance to try it today and, well... I LIKE IT!


I have other style packing tools, but I think the Fugley was easier to use than any others that I've tried. First impressions are very positive after tying with it. But I do have to admit that I was a little skeptical when I first picked it up, but after tying with it, I'm a believer. Much simpler to use than I expected.


Thanks again to everyone that responded earlier this year.


My deer hair tying skills need work, but here's my first attempt using a Fugley packer.




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