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Thanks Tony for showing the Ultra Platinum. Not showing off here, I don't do that. I thought you guys would want to see these 5 Ultra Platinums I got about the same time Tony did. Like Tony, I haven't removed a feather.


I think a Hebert gold of today would have feathers just as long.






















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I too have the hackle bug, although I haven't bought any for at least 6 months now. I have over a couple cree capes and necks from Collins, Whiting and Metz. I have one High and Dry cape which would rival a platinum in feather length (not quite saddle length though). I haven't paid much more than normal list prices for any of them.



I love barred and badger hackle, furnace, grizzly (including dyed colours), barred dun, barred ginger and cree.


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I have quite a few of these capes that I purchased directly from Henry Hoffman. The capes are small and the length of the feathers is no where near Whiting's later generations. But they still wrap as good as anything I've used.



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Man I wish I would have kept all I my feathers in their packages lol. I hate taking them out of their plastics though cause there's always a few that get caught twords the ziplock. Mine are all just in a tupperware tub.

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I have a hackle addiction, but I can stop any time if I have to I guess. But, then again, I noticed that many of these are pretty well used up, maybe I better get some more.






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Yep, Utyer ... pretty much looks like bare skin in a lot of those pieces. Better start replenishing now, while they're still available.

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Yep, Utyer ... pretty much looks like bare skin in a lot of those pieces. Better start replenishing now, while they're still available.

I was thinking the same thing lol!

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Back in the day when girls were wearing feathers in their hair, I was selling saddle hackle for $20.00 a dozen. Since I rarely use any dry flies that need hackle, I think what I have will last longer than me.

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Some of my dry fly hackle. I have hackle from Whiting, Metz, Collins, Ewing, CQH, and a few capes from no-name's that I came across over the years. A few of the Metz neck's are over 25yrs old. The quality of hackle from a current genetically raised bird compared to the top end stuff from years ago is amazing.






Bronze and Silver grade cree capes and a silver grade cree saddle. Over the years I have bought 3 Whiting cree necks, 1 Metz cree neck, and 2 Whiting cree saddle's; and never paid over the standard retail price for any of them.


Good luck, Tony


:o how does one get so many...


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