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Lol yea my phone glitched while I was up the mountain. Trying to figure out how to delete them.

It happens. This technology thing never works well does it? I swear, I have almost thrown my stupid iPhone out the window multiple times! HAHA

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So...uh...what do you think of that olive grizzly cape?

It's a good cape. It's not a common color... It's actually chartreuse not olive. But I do have one pattern that it will work for, that's why I got it.

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Awesome capes and saddles. I just bought this and have trouble telling cree from barred ginger.


What is it?


attachicon.gifCree or barred ginger.jpg


Hi Idaho RC,


It's a cree variant. Barred ginger has just two colors, cree has three. Barred ginger doesn't have any black. They probably labeled it a variant since it has to have a certain percentage of feathers with the same coloration. Hope this helps.




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Awesome capes and saddles. I just bought this and have trouble telling cree from barred ginger.


What is it?


attachicon.gifCree or barred ginger.jpg


Hi Idaho RC,


It's a cree variant. Barred ginger has just two colors, cree has three. Barred ginger doesn't have any black. They probably labeled it a variant since it has to have a certain percentage of feathers with the same coloration. Hope this helps.





I was close. Thanks for clearing it up.



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