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Mike West

Pre shaped cork poppers..?

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Jann's still sells the tapered "bottle stopper" corks. If the link don't work, just go to their site and type in cork popper bodies in the search box on their site.





You'll be hard pressed to find shaped and cupped ones except maybe a rare posting on ebay or an old friend, garage/estate sale, that sort of thing.


You can wine corks for wine makers and turn down as someone suggested but that is a lot of work for bream bugs. If you go that route, don't get used ones with a corkscrew hole in them.



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I just looked at Michaels site, and they sell both bottle corks (tapered) and wine corks (cylindrical)... my guess is you won't find them in the store but can buy them online. There are different grades of cork. I've seen used wine corks that looked like they would be too flaky to try making a bug head out of. From the picture on Michaels site, the wine corks seem to be pretty good. But I'd much prefer to be able to see them up close before I'd buy a bag.

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KIRK !!!
Man, I've been singing your praises on a couple of threads, and you missed it.

Where have you been ??? And are you back now ???

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I got 2 bags of these #2 corks at the hobby lobby.They are small and hold up to a dremel tool pretty good.16 in a bag for $2.99.They had several other sizes also.


I posted the link to the page but it would'nt work.Part number is 521179 if you want to go to hobby lobby web site and do a search to find them.

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Hey Mike, thanks. I'll have to start popping in more often. Have got wrapped up with Facebook and hooking up with old flyfishing folks. Still tying, fishing and regular life been going on. Not sure what of me there are to sing praises about but thanks.


FlaFly, the Michaels by my house sells the corks. The tapered bottle stoppers are pure/raw shaped cork. The "craft" wine bottle shaped stoppers are composite wine corks. I have some and they are very nice; no pits, float good and are tough. I think they are natural constructed of recycled all natural corks ground up and fused/glued together.


If you check ebay once or twice a week, you may come across the tapered bottle stoppers like Kentucky Steve posted a picture of. Last year, I got a really good deal on 50 each of two sizes, just right for a #6 & #2 or 4 hook.



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thanx Kirk. I had been wondering about those composite corks, like they use for corkboards. I'd be afraid they'd come to pieces, especially after being shaped into a small thing like a bug head with a scooped front end. Kinda reminded me of particle board vs actual wood.

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They're pretty solid. I haven't tried to go real small but I'm turned them down bass bug size on my lathe and they hold up pretty well. No crumbling.


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It's a big popper but I think you could cut it down and shape it by hand for bream sized bugs. The picture of various corks gives a better picture of it, I think.



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Mike West;

If and when you do find those corks you are looking for and have a problem regarding the pitting of the cork, you can use Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Filler to fill in the pitted areas and then sand lightly with fine sandpaper to get the smooth finish you are after prior to painting or whatever you are finishing them with.
Golden Oak colour wood filler will match most natural cork colour almost perfectly.

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