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rotary vise under $200 ? suggestions...

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I have a regal c-clamp model and just purchased a peak pedestal mount vice this winter. I like them both. The peak wound up being $225 ($150 base price) after all of the add one I bought for it. The waste catcher is great and I really like the separate accessory posts. The rotary function is smooth as butter and the base is so heavy you will bend even the largest books before this baby moves an inch. Made in USA was non negotiable for me. Most of the guides at the fly shop use this vice which helped me decide. The Renzetti, Griffin M

ongoose and Anvil where the other serious contenders in my research and where very close in all respects except I don't think renzzeti is made in USA but I am not sure. I think you would enjoy any of those for many years to come!

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I wrestled with this myself for a while but I have been nothing but pleased with my Renzetti Traveler. They have upgraded the pedestal base a few years ago to the 'saltwater

base and it now is my absolute favorite and that's after trying friends Peak, Dyna-King, and other vises.

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