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Fly Tying
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have been pretty buzy

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Have been pretty bust at the vise. Loving these new Lively Legz. have noticed an increase in hook ups with them too. I am also really pumped about my new base for my Regal. Sometimes you have to splurge and get something nice.


Thanks for the read,





















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That base is a work of art! As are all of your ties. We could request that you provide a SBS for each of them... :-)


On the left side of the seventh pic there are six little beadheads.... two chartreuse, two pink and two blackish. What is the body made of? Looks like beads.

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When you tie the lively legs in just slow wrap and then pull down. They aren't that delicate. Some times when I dub over them they get a little off center and I have pulled some off by putting to much tension on them. If you get them I suggest size 14 or 16 2xl, so you can get a nice taper. Most of the patterns tied are on size 12 1xl but the size 14 2xl are really working looking like the perfect size. I also like how it forces you to have pretty decent proportions to get them to look right.


I really love their product and think they are worth every penny. I have tied I think 856 flies this year and of those id say 75% have been legs. I have never cut one with thread, and have only pulled 2 legs off by being too rough on them.


I use utc 140 on most of my flies or 6/0.


Hope that helps. If you have any more questions on them let me know. They are great guys to deal with and from my home state of PA. Hope to get a chance to fish with them. I think they have tying videos put up on youtube as well.

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The base is called Fly Stones, and is solid Granite. I needed a pedestal base because my Regal wouldn't clamp to our dining room table. I was tying off of my router table that I had bought for making turkey calls. I love the base. I did a review on it on facebook. I can copy it and past it on here if anyone wants to view it. They are pricy but sometimes you just gotta get something you want. LOL

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