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Fly Tying

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PIP = Parachute Indicator Post, most likely. Used on dry flies.


Personally, I'd have left it off, but it probably won't hurt anything. If will, though, likely have a very different action and appearance than the rest of the winging when swimming it.

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If it turns out to be a problem, it could easily be removed. I will be ordering some white buck tail very soon. If I ever get a chance to try it out, I will report back with results.

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I almost bought a beautiful yellow bucktail with chartreuse tips today. All nice long fine hair and very full.


I'm glad I looked at the price though: every other tail on the row was $6...this one was $10.95.


Sorry, I love good bucktail, but not that much.

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Sometimes the chemicals they use to disinfect/dye/fix/cook/marinate the materials also reek.


Unless it smells distinctly of rotting flesh, you should be okay.

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