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Fly Tying

Organizing the Fly Bench

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hey, it seems to me that every time I tie some flies, I have created a trash pile on my desk. I dont know if its just me, but i hate leaving scraps of materials just sitting there. I was wondering if anyone had any productive methods of having an organized desk, thx

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I am not sure what you're asking. With my background, leaving anything "lying around" is unacceptable. I tie flies, then spend a few minutes cleaning up.

I don't know how much modification to your desk you're willing to make, but this makes it easier to clean up the trash.


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I used an gallon glass pickle jar that sits on the floor next to my roll top tying desk that I place my trash in. Kelly Galloup has a video out there and he says that an easy what to keep a tying desk clean and organized is to put things back in their proper place once they are finished being used. LOL...That is something unfortunately I do not do!!!! When I can't find stuff because everything is piled on top of everything else then that is when i stop and clean my desk which usually takes an hour or so. Below is Kelly's video that has some suggestions on storage ideas as well.



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more organizing ideas


wooden crate from the big box craft store for paint bottles




cheap vase from wally world for holding the longer feathers




some kind of tray for the sticky stuff




fly clips and foam block for holding flies while they dry




a couple of lights and tying by some windows




please use your imagination and youll be surprised whay youll come up with


walk around a craft store and youll be amazed at all of the tying materials and storage ideas that are available

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Put your flying station in the closet. When you're not tying just keep the door shut.

It's so difficult tying, with all the clothes hanging in my way !

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This response may be out of place here but for anyone looking for task lighting this is the best I have come across for my tired eyes. I have track lighting above my tying desk with a flood and two halogen spots. Even so I tied for years with a "hot" tyers gooseneck lamp I got from LL Bean (25 years ago) on my right supplemented when needed with an Ott task lamp on my left. I was searching for this and found it (on Amazon of course). It is made by Moffatt and comes in several mounting configurations as well as 18" and 24". This is a 24" which allows me to get it right over my vise. I put a 13 watt LED (equiv to 60 watt standard) in it so it is cool to the touch and I am happy as a clam (or quahog) at high tide. Oh, more specific to the thread, I use a small but powerful shop vac, especially when playing with deer hair. Pictures may look like a chem lab but the maid hasn't come by in years.




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