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Jay Fair WiggleTail

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I haven't seen this talked about much, but it is the single most consistent fly in my N CA area. It's basically a very slim wooley bugger; size 10 hook, very sparse 1-1.5 inch tail, palmered head or tease the buggy dubbing out. Weight it or not, your choice as to depth. Just like a bugger, it can represent many items; damsel is my first thought, but fished near fry it does well too. Both BG and LMB take it ; I've had succesive casts take both; first cast to inside of weedbed was BG, 2nd to outside was LMB.


The sparse tail provides great movement for attraction; hence wiggle tail name. Palmered griz hackle also flares nicely. The big head (big width, not a long head) seems to be key, along with sparse tail. On a 1.5 to 2 inch total length, head is 1/4 to 1/2 inch long; tail is 2 to 3 x the head length.


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That's a great fly at the trout lakes here in NorCal, especially in the color you show (I'd call it a burnt orange, and in rust is great too). I've never fished it for warmwater species but am not surprised it catches fish. I usually fish more black and yellow flies for BG and LMB, with lots of marabou and rubber legs.



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