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Help identifying feathers and equipment

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I in no way have any issues with someone who wants to make money. That's what I do, I try to make as much money as I can. I have a house, kids and a retirement to fund. Alaska must be very populated with all you living off the grid guys bemoaning making a living.


On top of liking to make money I also like to save money. Post the stuff in the for sale section and maybe we can all profit from your buy. It's the American way.

I'm not bemoaning anyone anything, I'm saying, who are you ? I made money all my life, sufficient for my needs, I think we all do at least that.. I bet, Poopdeck, that you make your money legit. The hope is so do these people .

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I don't understand the big deal, the guy was up front in his first post. He just asked to identify the stuff for his information. Either answer his question or don't respond.


JackOC- post the pictures and I will happy to identify whatever I can for you.


Really ? No I don't think so, if we have concerns we have as much right to post as you do and put out a legit request. Who are they, do you know ? I'll answer for you, no you don't. If you're gonna stand up for them and you know the motives then enlighten us all don't tell us to shut up and put up.


On another note the forum header says to talk about anything fly tying lol.

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JackOC- If you can't post the pictures here, post them on a photo hosting site and put a link here. I will identify all that I can for you.

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i sent you a pm


post the photos to the email address i sent you


i'll try to help you as much as i can


another option is if there are any fly shops on your local area bring in some materials and show them what you have. they work with tying materials all day long.

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I met a guy in Maine one time, his goal, activity and purpose in life was totally consumed by the acts of making money. He admired himself for his ability to get his way with people, to manipulate people on both sides of a deal to make things happen in his favor and gain profit from it all. He held great pride about himself over this fact. He made my skin crawl quite frankly. He was a modern day swindler.


Point ? We don't have a clue who you are. You say "we". Well who are "we" ? What we do know is you are not a fly tier and you are in a fly tying forum looking to make profit. I think we need to know more than that about Who You are, what the purpose of "we" is before we start actively helping someone who could be a modern day swindler. Note, I did not say you are, did not accuse you of such, we simply know nothing about you and there is a certain aura about all this. You must admit the potential is there for more to stink than just the moth balls your stuff is packed with. I would be pleased to be wrong about that incidentally !

Lol wow it seems my request for some help has stirred the pot. Let's see if I can clear this up...1. I wasn't looking to or offering to sell you anything just asking for help 2. "We" is a small Christian thrift store in Capistrano beach ca ... 3. "I" help them, volunteer and personally buy stuff on occasion from then to make a profit on .. 4. would you seek help identifying something too if you ran across let say a price of gold with some old Spanish writing on it? would you not ask/call/send pics our otherwise contact anyone get some advice and maybe an of its value? Or should I just say everything is $3 each and call it a day?


Just was asking for some help.... :)


Sincerely sorry to have offended you!

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Jack, you far from offended me.


Thanks for some clarification. I'm sure you will get the help you need, if not here then elsewhere.

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first post, eh? "Spend your time and resources telling me what I have so I can make a profit" is a little odd as a first post. Just my opinion.

Obviously you're not a fly tyer- perhaps offer someone with the knowledge you seek a deal on some of the tools and materials.


Don't mean to use your resources. Just was looking to ask some knowledgeable people about some unusual stuff for us so we don't get ripped off by someone that's all. I hope we didn't offend you :-)

you will need to work a LOT harder than that to offend me. Dave G eloquently made the points I was thinking but didn't get out through my keyboard so early in the morning. Why all the mystery with "us" and "we" ? It leads one to believe it's a business, or at very least a money making endeavor. In that spirit, I'd be happy to be your paid consultant. If you're close to the Harrisburg Pa area I'll come inventory your things and provide a realistic worth. If not, e-mail me good pics. I'm sure we can do it in a way which doesn't result in me being ripped off. I'm not being facetious. Knowledge has a value.

I met a guy in Maine one time, his goal, activity and purpose in life was totally consumed by the acts of making money. He admired himself for his ability to get his way with people, to manipulate people on both sides of a deal to make things happen in his favor and gain profit from it all. He held great pride about himself over this fact. He made my skin crawl quite frankly. He was a modern day swindler.


Point ? We don't have a clue who you are. You say "we". Well who are "we" ? What we do know is you are not a fly tier and you are in a fly tying forum looking to make profit. I think we need to know more than that about Who You are, what the purpose of "we" is before we start actively helping someone who could be a modern day swindler. Note, I did not say you are, did not accuse you of such, we simply know nothing about you and there is a certain aura about all this. You must admit the potential is there for more to stink than just the moth balls your stuff is packed with. I would be pleased to be wrong about that incidentally !


Hi again.. I'm getting the feeling I've ruffled some feathers.. How would be trying to swindle you? Not trying to sell and haven't offered to sell you anything. Was just looking for help, is that a wrong thing to do? If you were to find a little price of gold at a garage sale with some Spanish writing on it would you not seek help? Would you not ask a few people just to figure out what you had? I'm not a swindler I'm any way! The who we and us etc are... 1... We is a small Christian thrift store in Capistrano beach ca..2... me...I help them out by donating my time and occasionally if they have something they can't sell in the store I'll buy it and might make a few bucks on the side... 3... Everything is NOT about money for me but definitely will do some research for a couple of reasons...a: I don't want to sell something too cheap obviously but bigger than that.b:.I don't want to mis represent something to someone buying it so they don't get swindled....

I thought this forum was just a bunch of guys who tie flies that may be interested in seeing this stuff and may lend some insight.. I wish I were near you so we could negotiate a fair price for appraisal.. Lol I would also be fearful that it's garbage and not worth anything and be out the appraisal money:) Then there is the factor of would you sell your gold price to the appraiser, lol?

I'm just trying to get am idea if I have anything worth anything, that's all, NOT trying to use you guys (and maybe girls:)


Although it may all be for not anyway I can't even upload pics! Lol

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Don't take it personal, Jack. I already explained some of this on the PM I sent you. Old adages, "Once bitten, twice shy" or "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," apply here.


Everybody is cool, I think, now.


I am trying to help Jack through my regular E-mail.

If he can get the pictures to me, I'll see to it that we all get to see what it is he's got.

I am sure I won't know the price points for everything he has.

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If I were you, I'd take a 40 minute drive north to Bob Marriott's Fly Store in Fullerton or 30 minutes north to His & Hers Fly Fishing Store in Newport Beach and see if they'd look everything over. There is a lot of info we won't be able to give you just by seeing pictures. It is tough to see what grade a cape may carry and lots of people will want to know what size flies the cape may cover. Things like tools won't be so hard but natural materials aren't all equal.

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I'll give you 10 bucks for the LAW vise!?!

Precisely the reason he's asking for help determining prices ...

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Hello JackOC

I am in long beach CA. I could possible help you or you could also reach out to the Long Beach Casting Club and see if any of them would be intrested. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. Might be possible for me to come down this weekend due to it being a long weekend and all.


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I don't know what a LAW vise is but since it's for a Christian charity I'll give you 15 bucks for it. 20 if you throw in a cape of your choosing.

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Hi.. uploaded a bunch of pics (haven't even got to the big box yet but I'm tired) to Photobucket try this link. http://s1228.photobucket.com/user/Jackoc5/library/Mobile%20Uploads?sort=3&page=1 ... never used it before so let me know if it works


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