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July Flies from the vise

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Yeah, Dave. I bought a cape a few months back, off E-Bay. I posted it on here, somewhere. Finally got around to trying the woolly bugger pattern. I'll try fishing it this coming week ... see if it attracts some piscine attention.

Woolly Buggers have been a staple in our roster of flies here. I bought a dark Grizzly skin a bunch of years ago ( it's just larger soft hen hackles) but it was in a clearance bin at a local fly shop that was around back then. I think I paid $5 for it and it's been the best bugger hackle going. The hackles are a little short in terms of stem length but very full and soft. I've always been able to work around the length limitation one way or another. I don't use that exclusively but flies tied from it have been super buggy looking and very effective. Anyway, the point is it's going to be tough to replace that particular skin where it's so full and soft and uniquely marked.

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Mike, i've only looked once in a large store with food, clothes & normal stuff! Nothing but Gilette & throw away razors, have to look at more shops or highend stores in the city where they sell the shaver the razors go in!

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I don't remember if you get into swaps (short term memory is one of my strong points!), but if you DO, you could have someone from here send you a pack in the swap box. 5-pack for a dollar from Dollar Tree.

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BODY QUILL UV2 PMD SPROUT EMERGER – Brooks/Variant – Daiichi 1130, #16 – #18…




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They are "living eyes" color Ice If I remember correctly.

I shave the head flat on the sides with a razor blade then burn a hole for the eyes and glue with either Epoxy or Goop

Make sense?


Perfect - yep, makes great sense. Thanks!

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attachicon.gifIMG_20160716_151733.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_20160716_151518.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_20160716_151547.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_20160716_151627.JPGattachicon.gifIMG_20160716_151702.JPG First ever try at one of these deerhair bass poppers, before this was only muddler head, Goddard caddis & salmon bomber experience all with the same colour! Big crissis yesturday was colour black was body hair when i pulled them from the cupboard! #4 Mustad C52S BLN

Considering it's your first try .....They're pretty damn good bud.

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Nice work flytire....second one looks a little like a shipmans buzzer,


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Great attention to detail,,,,I'll have to try a little harder and maybe wear my reading glasses lol

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