Guest Report post Posted November 21, 2003 I love to get gar on the longrod. It's a hard day's fishing, but when you finally hook up with one of these ancient beasts, it's bar the door and dig in your heels! I have been trying to experiment with some big predator type flies, and have had some minor success with a couple. I have a back issue of FT magazine, the spring issue, I think, that had an article about tiger fish and a layout on how to tie predator flies; good read, even better flies. Anyone else go after these big and uglies? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dble Haul 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2003 Do you use rope flies for these fish? You know, the flies that have no hook but merely rely on the gar getting their teeth gnarled in the meshwork of the fly? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steeldrifter 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2003 BASTARD!!!! OH it's on now mimi!.......... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted November 21, 2003 SD, aint' skeered, boy!!! Mark, yea, with mixed well with the bigger fish, but the smaller fish seem to get free sometimes...not sure why that is, but it seems to be the case....use nylon for extended tails and it works to a better degree, but the tails are useless after a couple of fish. I tied a couple of the wool head predator flies and they worked well, but tended to get deeper than I wished. SO...i tied the pattern with a deer hair head and it worked a tad better....i have hooked inot gar with mylar minnows while crappie fishing, but prefer to surface fish for 'em....have you hung into a gar yet? Think we talked about this briefly over on once....but had very little interest except for you and myself!! lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dble Haul 0 Report post Posted November 21, 2003 I've never fished for them. They are not present to my knowledge in New England waters. My interest in them is purely to speculate about other possible species to take on the fly. Perhaps some day when I'm a bit further south I'll get a chance to tangle with some. Thanks for the feedback on the fly theory. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted November 22, 2003 ah, not fedback really, just a hillbilly's ramblings Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MIKE*A 0 Report post Posted November 22, 2003 I've never fished for them, none of the rivers in my neck of the woods have any.........I've heard that there are some in the lower ends of my rivers down where they meet the Ohio. I seem to recall an article in one of my old (and defunct) issues of "Warmwater flyfishing" about flyfishing for gar.....I'll have to see if I can find it...........I do miss that magazine. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted November 22, 2003 have read some back issues...was a great magazine.....wish I had seen the gar article Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willnash811 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2009 Heres some pics of a gar i caught on a dryfly in some park lake in clearwater,fl Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riffleriversteelheadslayer 0 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 steve you posted that pic of me and that fish and what comes out big and ugly seriously though I have only fished them once on the flyrod what we used was a foam head popper with what looked like a mop head for a tail was awesome day of fishing managed 3 to hand that day Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lykos33 0 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 Well BDH, head to Florida! I hated the things when I used to bass fish in creeks and swamps around central Florida. Whenever I caught 1 I knew I may as well give up on the bass for the day. I don't know how many times I had a smallish bass on a plug and before I could land it, some ole gar would have it for dinner. I remember when I was even younger the camp counselors (church camp) making us get out of the creek cuz of what they called "Gator Gar". They looked huge to me as a youngster, which means probably 30 + inches in reality. I imagine they are a good fight, but I hate losing lures, flies, plugs , etc...especially to something that durn ugly!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDaddyHub 0 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 I have managed many good fish since I initially posted this thread, but I'm always open to further advice....anyone got anything to add? Lykos, can't go to Florida...will start catching gar, will never leave, and will be the old lonely cager at the canal cussing the fish! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites